Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ephesians Worksheet - Chapter 6

Ephesians 6 

  1. What is Paul's command regarding our parents? vs.1-2
  2. What is the result of honoring our parents? vs. 3
  3. What is Paul's command to fathers? Name 3 things. Vs. 4
  4. What is Paul's command to servants? vs. 5
  5. Is our obedience to an authority for the sake of "looking good" to them or to others, or is it to please the Lord? What should it be? vs. 6,7
  6. Who will reward us for every good thing we do? vs. 8
  7. What is Paul's command to masters or those in authority? vs. 9
  8. How are we to be strong? vs. 10
  9. Why do we need to put on the full armor of God? vs. 11
  10. Look up the word for "schemes" in a dictionary. What do you learn about the devil if the devil has schemes against us?
  11. What is our struggle not against? vs. 12
  12. What is our struggle against? vs. 12 - Name 4 things we fight against in heavenly places.
  13. Paul has told us to "put on" the full armor of God. Now he tells us to "take up the full armor of God" to resist in the evil day. How determined should we be to stand firm? vs.13
  14. What are the pieces of spiritual armor that we are to dress in and to take up against the evil powers in this evil day? (vs.14-17) Fill in the blanks below of the 6 pieces of armor given:

    1) Gird your loins with: ______
    2) Put on the breastplate of: _______
    3) Shod your feet with the preparation of ___ ________ ___ _______
    4) In addition, take up the sheild of: ________ with which you will be able to _________ all the flaming ______ of the evil one.
    5) Take the helmet of __________, and
    6) The sword of the Spirit, which is the _____ __ _____.
  15. As Paul continues to refer to the spiritual warfare in a believer's life, what does he say about prayer? vs. 18,19 - Name at least 5 things about prayer from these verses.
  16. Why did Paul want them to pray for him? vs. 19,20
  17. Who did Paul send to the Ephesians to tell them about his condition in prison? vs.20,21
  18. What did he say about this brother? vs. 21
  19. What two reasons did Paul say he was sending him to them? vs. 22
  20. How did Paul end this letter to the Ephesians ? What 3 areas did he speak on their behalf? vs.23,24
  21. Think through this lesson in chapter 6, and give your summary along with any prayer you might have to offer.
  22. Now think through the entire book of Ephesians. What do you want to remember about this letter from Paul? What do you remember without reviewing? What automatically comes to your mind? Now... go back if you want and review and give more details and prayer.




Father God, I pray .

Extra Notes


Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (2 Co 1:3). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.

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