Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ephesians Worksheet - Chapter 1


Ephesians 1 

  1. Paul is the author of Ephesians, and the saints at Ephesus are the recipients of this letter. What two things does Paul greet them with? vs.1,2
  2. Paul immediately gives God glory. What does he "bless God the Father" for in vs. 3?
  3. When did the Lord choose us in Christ and how did he see our condition? vs. 4
  4. What did the Lord predestine us to be through Jesus Christ? vs. 5
  5. What did He freely bestow upon us in the Beloved Son? vs. 6
  6. What do the riches of God's grace give us in Jesus Christ? vs. 7,8
  7. Paul states that "the mystery" of God's will was made known to us in all wisdom and insight. What is the "administration" suitable to the fullness of the times according to verse 10?
  8. He continues to talk about the "inheritance" we have been predestined to receive in Christ. (vs.11,12). When did the Ephesians believe according to verse 13?
  9. What happened as soon as they believed? vs. 13
  10. What does the 'seal' of the Holy Spirit promise us? vs. 14
  11. What had Paul heard about the Ephesians that caused him to constantly give thanks in his prayers for them? vs.15,16 - Name 2 things.
  12. Paul tells them what he prays for them, and how wonderful to pray this for one another in the body of Christ. What does he ask that the Father of Glory give to them? vs.17 - Name 2 things.
  13. Why does Paul pray that the "eyes of their heart" be enlightened? What does he want them to realize? Name 3 things given. vs. 18,19
  14. These revelations he is praying for work in accordance with the strength of His might what He brought about in Christ. When did He do this? vs. 20
  15. Where is Jesus seated now? vs. 20
  16. What is Jesus seated "far above"? vs. 21 - Name 5 things
  17. What did the Father put in subjection under the feet of Jesus? vs. 22
  18. What did Jesus become head of? vs. 22
  19. What does Paul say about the church in regard to Jesus being the head? vs.23
  20. What does the church do as His body? vs. 23
  21. Think about all we have read today. What can you praise God for today in light of all that we are "in" Him and all that He is "in" us?




Father God, I pray .

Extra Notes


Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (2 Co 1:3). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.

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