Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ephesians Worksheet - Chapter 4

Ephesians 4 

  1. Paul asks the Ephesians to walk in a manner "worthy" of the calling they had. What characteristics did he ask them to display? Name 7 from vs. 2-3 1)2)3)4)5)6)7)
  2. What are the 7 unifying facts of the Christian life? vs. 4-6 1)2)3)4)5)6)7)
  3. When Christ ascended into heaven, what did He give to each one of us? vs. 7,8
  4. It is true that Christ ascended far above all the heavens to fill all things (vs.10). Where did He also go before He ascended on high? vs. 9
  5. When He ascended and gave gifts to men, what are the 5 ministerial gifts that were distributed among the body of Christ? vs. 11 - Name 5 1)2)3)4)5)
  6. What is the purpose of the 5 ministerial gifts? vs. 12
  7. How long should these offices be valid? vs. 13
  8. Once a believer reaches the measure of maturity in Christ, what characteristics will he have? vs. 14 - Name 7 facts about the mature believer from vs.14,15 1)2)3)4)5)6)7)
  9. Christ is the head and we, the church collectively, are His body. (vs.15) We are fit together and hold together by what "every" joint supplies. As "each" individual part works properly, this causes the growth of the body. What does it build itself "up" in? vs. 16
  10. Paul affirms with the Lord that the Ephesians (and all believers) should not walk any longer as the Gentiles (heathen) walk. Give the description of how they walk from vs.17-19 (fill in the blanks)...

    1) futility of their _____
    2) being darkened in their ___________
    3) excluded from the ______ ___ ______
    4) because of the _______ that is in them,
    5) because of the _______ of their heart;
    6) and they, having become _______,
    7) have given themselves over to ________ for the practice of every kind of __________
    9) with __________
  11. Paul told the Ephesians they did not learn Christ in this way. If they have heard Him and have been taught by Him, they know that truth is in Jesus (vs.21). In regard to their former manner of life, what are they to lay aside? vs. 21,22
  12. How are you to be renewed? vs. vs. 23 Also read and comment on Romans 12:1,2 -
  13. What are you to put on? vs. 24
  14. How does Paul describe the new self that we are in Christ? vs. 24 - Name 3 things.
  15. What are we to lay aside and make sure that we do with our neighbor? vs. 25
  16. Paul gives a command to "be angry". Many times people think that anger is the sin. Actually, there is a righteous indignation, such as Jesus turning over the tables of the moneychangers in the house of God. The sin, however, is when we allow the anger to control us and cause of to harm another. How can we make sure that any anger is dealt with on a daily basis? vs. 26
  17. When we do not deal with our anger and allow God to forgive us and help us to forgive others, who are we opening the door to? vs. 27
  18. Rather than steal to feed our hunger, what are commanded to do? vs.28
  19. Not only are we to take care of our own hunger and needs, but what else are we to do with the work of our hands? vs. 28
  20. We are commanded not to let one unwholesome word proceed from our mouths. Rather, we are to have a greater purpose with our words. What guideline does Paul give in regard to what we speak to another? vs. 29 - Name 3 guidelines. 1) 2) 3)
  21. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption. We are not to grieve Him. (vs.30) According to verse 31, what behaviors bring grief to our Lord? Name 6 things. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
  22. In contrast to these wrong behaviors, what are the right things we should do for one another? vs. 32. Name 3 things. 1) 2) 3)
  23. Who is our example of forgiving one another? vs. 32
  24. As you think through today's lesson, we see a contrast of how people behave who do not know Christ and how we are to behave if we know Christ. How will this lesson effect your daily behavior? Summarize your thoughts and say a prayer.




Father God, I pray .

Extra Notes


Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (2 Co 1:3). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.

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