Saturday, January 14, 2012

2 Corinthians Worksheet - Chapter 8

Daily Reading Personal Application Questions
2 Corinthians Chapter 8

1. What can you apply to your life from today's reading?
2. What portion of this chapter stands out to you?
3. How would you describe the theme of the chapter to someone who does not know much about the Bible?
4. What example did you find to follow?
5. Was there an error (sin) you found to avoid?
6. Did you find a duty (command) to obey?
7. How will reading this chapter effect your life from now on?
8. Pick a verse to meditate on and try to memorize it.
9. Was there a promise to claim?
10. What is your summary and prayer today?
Observation Questions For
2 Corinthians Chapter 8
1. What did Paul want to make known to the Corinthians? vs. 1
2. How was grace displayed in the churches of Macedonia? vs.1,2
3. How did the Macedonians give their offering for the saints? vs.3-5 - Name 7 ways they gave by the grace of God.
4. What did Paul charge Titus with concerning the Corinthians? vs. 6
5. What did Paul say the Corinthians already abounded in? vs. 7 - Name 5 things they had inspired in them.
6. What had Paul urged Titus to complete in the Corinthians? vs.6,7
7. How did Paul use the life of Jesus to encourage the Corinthians in the area of giving this offering? vs. 8,9
8. When did the Corinthian church begin to set aside money for this offering? vs. 10
9. Paul admonished the church that it was a great thing that they were ready and desired to give to the saints. He wanted them to finish the commitment they had made with the same motives. As long as their motive of readiness was present, did it matter how much the gift would be? How did they determine what to give? vs.11,12
10. How did the system of grace-giving take care of everyone's needs at all time? vs.13-15
11. How did Titus feel about collecting the offering from the Corinthians for Paul? vs. 16,17
12. What was Paul's concern about the generous gift that was collected from the church? vs. 19-21
13. Titus was Paul's partner and fellow worker among the Corinthians. The other brethren being sent to them were messengers of the churches. How did Paul want them to be treated by the church when they arrived for the gift that had been collected? vs. 24
14. How do you feel about offerings taken for the needy in your congregations? Do you realize that you are never obligated to give what you don't have, but to give according to your own ability?
15. Think about this lesson. How will your attitude of offerings be from what you have learned? Give your summary thoughts and prayer.

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