Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Leviticus Worksheet ~ Leviticus, Chapter 20


Leviticus Chapter 20

1.  What would happen to the people who gave their children to Molech? vs.1,2

Note:  Remember what they did with the false god Molech?  Molech was the Ammonite's god of pleasure.  He was represented by a very large, hollow, bronze statue of an ox's head on a man's body.  Inside the statue a fire would be continually burning, keeping the outstretched arms of the image red hot.  Worshippers would put their babies on the arms to be burned alive - a sacrifice to their god of pleasure.  "How horrible!"  - How could anyone sacrifice a baby just so they could continue to enjoy their pleasure?  It continues to happen in a more silent killing every day in clinics throughout our countries.  We need to stand up for these precious babies, minister to these confused women, and pray everyday for God's mercy and help concerning this national crisis called abortion. 

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2.  Sometimes people want to close their eyes to those who do such things.  What consequences would be given to those who did not execute judgment by not putting to death those who sacrificed a child of theirs to Molech? vs. 3-5

3.  What did the death of these precious babies do to God's sanctuary and His holy name? vs. 3

4.  How do you think this compares to the disgrace of abortion in our lands today?

5.  What did God do to those who listened to spiritists and mediums? vs. 6

6.  Why do you think God calls it harlotry for His people to turn to other means of guidance?

7.  What 2 reasons are given in these 2 verses for why the people of Israel should live holy (separated and consecrated) lives for God? vs. 7,8

8.  What is upon the people who curse their father or their mother and the reason the death penalty was given for this sin? vs. 9b

9.  When 2 consenting adults decided to commit adultery, what would happen to both of them for breaking their vows and defrauding the other people involved as well? vs. 10

10.  What were the consequences of having unlawful sexual relationships in these verses? (vs.10-16)

11.  God is saying that He is very serious about these violations.  If they cross the line on these particular sins, that was it.  He did not want them to follow the practices of Egypt where they had come from out of slavery ... or those of Canaan where they were going.  He did not want their religion to involve sacrificing children to Molech or them going to mediums and spiritists for counsel from familiar spirits.  He wanted them to get their guidance and regulations from Him, their Creator and the Lord of all.  He wanted them to be unique and set apart in the world to bring Him glory and honor with their lives and worship.  He is outlining for them what is absolutely unacceptable in His eyes.  Did you find some that have become acceptable in our culture and churches today?  Share what you found to be so.

12.  We are told that we should be "tolerant" of immoral sins today.  Is that what God taught the churches to be?  Comment on the following verse in light of the context of the question.

  • Revelation 2:20 -

13.  Back to Leviticus Chapter 20.  He continues to list violations of immoral relations.  These will not have a death penalty, but He holds them guilty and in some cases defines the punishment for what they have done.  Read vs.17-21.  What 2 things would make a person become childless? vs.20,21

14.  What would keep Israel from being "spewed out" from the land they were going into possess? vs. 22

15.  What was Israel to be careful not to follow and why? vs. 23

16.  What was God promising to give the children of Israel? vs. 24a

17.  He is the Lord our God.  What has He done with His people? vs.24b

18.  What were the children of Israel to do to "show" that they were distinct from all other people in the earth? vs. 25

19.  What has the Lord set His children apart to be? vs. 26

20.  How were they to put to death a medium or a spiritist? vs. 27


21.  If the sons of Israel followed the sinful practices of the inhabitants of Canaan, God said the land would "spew" them out.  If however, they would obey the voice of the Lord and honor Him by following His commandments, He would bless them!  They would shed light in the dark land.  What are we told to do?  The very same thing.  God has called us to be priests unto Him to shed His light in our dark world.  Comment on the following verses:

  • Revelation 1:6 -
  • 1 Peter 2:9 -12 -
  • Philippians 2:9-16

22.  Summarize the lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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