Saturday, August 25, 2012

Numbers Worksheet ~ Numbers, Chapter 2


Numbers Chapter 2 - Observation Questions

1.  What were stationed by the 4 camps around the tent of meeting (the tabernacle)? vs.1,2 -

2.  What do you think of when you hear of a "standard with a banner" by an army camp?

3.  Remember when Moses held his hands up for battle and Joshua defeated the Amalekites?  His arms up were a signal of victory.  When the battle was won, Moses built an altar.  He called it "Jehovah Nissi".  What did that Name of the Lord mean?  Read and give your comments on the verses below:

  • Exodus 17:8-15

4.  Another verse that is a great one to pray for someone who is facing a battle is the following Psalm.  Find references in it to a banner and victory and comment on it.

  • Psalm 20 -


5.  Back to Numbers 2.  What tribe was to set up camp on the East side of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise? vs. 3

6.  Who was their leader? vs. 3

7.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 4

8.  See if you can find reference to what might have been on their standard, or banner, that would be on a stick in their encampment?

9.  What tribe was to camp next to him? vs. 5

10.  Who was their leader? vs. 5

11.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 6

12.  What tribe was to camp next to him? vs. 7

13.  Who was their leader? vs. 7

14.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 8

15.  So, in review, what 3 tribes were to camp on the East side of the tabernacle toward the sunrise?  1) 2) 3)

16.  What was the total of the number of this army referred to as the camp of Judah? vs. 9

Note:  They would be the first ones to set out when the tabernacle was to be moved forward in the wilderness toward the promised land. (vs.9)

17.  When you think about "Judah" going out to battle first, it is interesting to think back on what his name means.  Look up the meaning of his name and make comment on why it is significant that they go out first before a battle with the enemy.  (( enjoy the research ))

18.  Who is called the "Lion" of Judah and why?  Comment on the verses below.

  • Revelation 5:1-5

19.  Back to Numbers 2.  What tribe's standard would be lifted up on the south side of the camp? vs. 10

20.  Who was their leader? vs. 10

21.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 11

22.  What tribe was camped next to him? vs. 12

23.  Who was their leader? vs. 12

24.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 13

25.  What tribe was camped next to him? vs. 14

26.  Who was their leader? vs. 14

27.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 15

28.  So, in review, what 3 tribes were to camp on the South side of the tabernacle?   1) 2) 3)

29.  What was the total of the number of this army referred to as the camp of Reuben? vs. 16

30.  Judah's group would go first, followed by Reuben's group.  ... What would follow Reuben's group? vs. 17


31.  What tribe's standard would be lifted up on the west side of the camp? vs. 18

32.  Who was their leader? vs. 18

33.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs.19

34.  What tribe was camped next to him? vs. 20

35.  Who was their leader? vs. 20

36.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 21

37.  What tribe was camped next to him? vs. 22

38.  Who was their leader? vs. 22

39.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 23

40.  So, in review, what 3 tribes were to camp on the West side of the tabernacle? 1) 2) 3)

41.  What was the total of the number of this army referred to as the camp of Ephraim? vs. 24

42.   What tribe's standard would be lifted up on the North side of the camp? vs. 25

43.  Who was their leader? vs. 25

44.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 26

45.  What tribe was camped next to him? vs. 27

46.  Who was their leader? vs. 27

47.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 28

48.  What tribe was camped next to him? vs. 29

49.  Who was their leader? vs. 29

50.  What was the number of their army, the men 20 and upward, able to go to war? vs. 30

51.  So, in review, what 3 tribes were to camp on the North side of the tabernacle? 1) 2) 3)

52.  What was the total of the number of this army referred to as the camp of Dan? vs.31

53.  What was the total of the numbered men of the camps by their armies? vs. 32

54.  Which tribe was not numbered among the sons of Israel as the Lord commanded Moses? vs. 33

55.  God gave order and organization to the camps; there was a precise place for everyone. (vs. 34)... He is not the God of confusion, but the God of peace and order.  He takes care of the church in the same way today.  Comment on the following verses:

  • 1 Corinthians 12:7 -
  • 1 Corinthians 12:18 -
  • 1 Corinthians 14:32 -
  • 1 Peter 4:10 -

Note:  The placement of the amount of numbered tribes on the east, south, west, and north sides of the tabernacle show the diagram of the cross, with the Shekinah Glory present in the tabernacle in the center of all of them!  What a beautiful picture of Christ and His Church.  He is the "Hope of Glory" !!



56.  Jehovah Nissi is the Name of God that means "The Lord My Banner".  This is a victory cry over the enemy.  The tribes camped around the tabernacle; God was in the center of it all.  As long as we keep the Lord at the center of our life, He will be our Banner also.  Comment on the following verses:

  • What happens when we seek Him before all else? .... Matthew 6:33 -
  • What does the Lord do when we humble ourselves? .... James 4:10 -
  • Who does the battle belong to? ... 2 Chronicles 20:15 -

  • What is our part? .... 2 Chronicles 20:17 -

  • What will bring the victory? .... 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 - (this will help you know why Judah went first because of the meaning of his name) - Glory -

  • What will the Lord lift up against the enemy when he comes against us like a flood? ..... Isaiah 59:19 -

57.  I want to pray Psalm 20:5 for each one of you now.  "Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You grant my brother or sister's desire and fulfill their purpose.  I anticipate the victory You are going to bring to them and I prepare to sing for joy and set up a banner in the Name of the Lord, Our Jehovah Nissi, knowing that You will fulfill all their petitions and cause all things to work together for good because they love You and they are called according to Your purposes.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen"  (( love each one of you )) ...

58.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.



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