When we looked at Ch 7, we saw four principles dealing with God's judgments.
- First, God works to glorify Himself, that is, to make Himself known as God in the world.
- Second, judgment is not just for punishment, but it is also to show the righteousness and grace of God.
- Third, judgment often takes the form of an attack on the false gods or idols of those being judged.
- And fourth, it often increases in severity until it issues either in repentance or destruction.
Let's watch and see how these principles are illustrated as we continue our journey through the Ten Plagues.
- In 7, we saw the first plaque of the Nile turning to blood. .
- In 8, we saw the second and third plagues: frogs and gnats. Pharaoh said he would let them go to make sacrifices to their God, but when he got relief, he hardened his heart and did not let them go.
- In 9, we saw the plaques on the livestock, the plague of boils on animals and livestock, and the plague of hail..
- In 10, we saw the plague of the locusts over the land and the three days of darkness...
- in 11 we will see the final plague announced to Pharaoh ... death of the firstborn.
Exodus Chapter 11
1. What will Pharaoh do after this final plague? vs. 1 -
2. Moses was to speak in the hearing of the people that each man and each woman were to ask their neighbor for articles of silver and gold.
- Did the Egyptian people agree to this? vs. 3 -
3. How did the Egyptian people feel about Moses? vs. 3 -
4. Moses announced to Pharaoh that the Lord was going to go through the midst of Egypt at midnight.
- What would happen? vs. 5 -
- Who would this include? vs. 5 -
- How would this effect them? vs. 6-
5. Would the Israelites suffer this plague? vs. 7 -
6. What did the Lord want to show Pharaoh and his people by this? vs. 7 -
7. What would be the final action by Pharaoh's servants? vs. 8 -
8. Moses left Pharoah's presence in hot anger. The Lord told Moses once again that Pharaoah's heart would be hard and he would not listen to him so that all His wonders would be multiplied in the land of Egypt.
Is anger always a sin or is it sometimes justified?
Comment on these verses:
- Matthew 21:12-13 -
- Ephesians 4:26-27 -
What do you have 'justified' anger about? Do you deal with it daily before the sun goes down?
In tomorrow's reading, we will see the Lord execute this last plague and see the exodus of Israel finally happen.
Your summary and prayer today:
Created For RTB websites by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at www.read-the-bible.webs.com
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