We saw in chapter 2 how Moses' life could be seen in 3 segments of 40 years each.
The first 40 years he was raised in Pharaoh's household after being raised by Pharaoh's daughter as her own. We saw that he was educated in all the ways of the Egyptians.
When he was approaching the age of 40, he believed it was time to deliver His brethren, the Hebrews, from the cruel slavery of the Egyptians. He killed an Egyptian for being so cruel to his brethren, but the brethren did not understand that he was called of God to deliver them. It was not God's timing. Pharaoh was going to kill Moses for what he had done.
Moses left the riches of Egypt and chose to identify with who he was as a Hebrew. He fled to the wilderness of Midian and stayed in the home of Jethro, married one of her daughters, and he tended sheep day in and day out for the next 40 years.
Chapter 3 shows us that on one of those average days, while he was tending sheep, after all those years of silence ... he sees a bush on fire and yet the bush is not consumed...he steps closer to investigate and has a life changing encounter with God Almighty!
God calls Moses to the task of delivering the Hebrew children from the slavery to the Egyptians. Now that Moses is 80 years old, he is asked by God to go to Pharaoh and say to let His people go.
Moses said "But who am I?" God said "All that matters is who I am .. I AM is sending you ... all that you need"......
Exodus Chapter 4
1. What is a fear Moses has of telling the people God sent him? vs. 1 -
The Lord asked him what he had in his hand. It was a shepherd's staff. God asked him to throw it to the ground. When he did, it became a serpent and Moses fled from it.
2. What did the Lord ask him to do? vs. 4 -
3. What was the purpose in showing Moses this? vs. 5 -
Moses had felt 'powerless', but God wanted to show Him that through Him he could do all things.
Write out the promise we have in Christ Jesus:
- Philippians 4:13 -
- Ephesians 6:10-13 -
4. What did God ask Moses to do next? vs. 6 -
5. God had Moses to put his hand back into his bosom again.
- What happened this time? vs. 7 -
6. What was the purpose in showing Moses this sign? vs. 8 -
Moses surely felt "polluted" from his past sins and lack of faith. His diseased hand became white as snow again.
What does God say He will do in regard to the sins that try to hold us back from doing the will of God?
- Isaiah 1:18 -
- 1 John 1:9 -
7. If the people did not believe Moses after the first two signs, what was Moses to do that would be miraculous in nature? vs. 9 -
8. Moses is still reluctant to be God's person to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt.
- What is his next hang up with himself? vs. 10 -
9. How does this compare with what the apostle Paul felt in his calling?
- 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 -
- Who does God call to do great things and why?
- 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 -
10. What does the Lord say to him? vs. 11 -
11. The Lord told him that He would be with his mouth and He would teach him what to say. This was not good enough for Moses. He wanted to pass the buck to someone else to fulfill the call.
- What does he say to the Lord? vs. 13 -
12. How did the Lord feel about Moses' fifth excuse to excuse himself from this call? vs. 14 -
13. As an act of grace and provision for Moses in his weakness, what did God agree to allow? vs. 14 -
14. How would this work? vs. 15-17 -
- Who would hear directly from God?
- Who would tell the people what God had told Moses?
- Who would perform the signs/miracles?
In the body of Christ there are those with speaking gifts and those with serving gifts. This is how we can work together and help one another to fulfill God's will in the church.
15. Each one of us have a special gift from God. We are told in 1 Peter 4:10, that we are to put our special gift to "work" in serving one another.
- What are those with speaking gifts to do?
- 1 Peter 4:11 -
- What are those with serving gifts to do?
- 1 Peter 4:11 -
God met every need and fear that Moses had to equip him to be able to fulfill the call he was given. He has done the same for you.
- What have your excuses been for not excercising your gift?
- How will this lesson help you to overcome that and obey God in putting your gift to work in serving others?
Moses departed from his burning bush experience to tell his father-in-law Jethro that he wanted to go to Egypt to see if his brethren were still alive. Jethro told him to "go in peace".
16. What did the Lord assure Moses concerning the men in Egypt that had wanted to kill him when he fled from there 40 years prior? vs. 19 -
17. Moses took his wife and son on a donkey to return to the land of Egypt. Moses took the staff of God in his hand.
- What had God told Moses to do when he arrived in Egypt? vs. 21 -
18. God said Pharaoh's heart would be hard and he would not let them go even though he would see the miracles.
- What was Moses to say to Pharaoh at this point? vs. 22 - 23 -
This was a prediction of what would happen on the tenth plaque when the firstborn of Egypt would be put to death.
19. What was the Lord going to do to Moses when they were lodging on the way? vs. 24 -
The verses that follow explain why. It appears that being in Midian and raising his son according to the gods of Midian, his son had not been circumcised as all Jewish males were required to be. (Genesis 17:9-14) ...
If Moses was not going to obey God in this, Moses could not live. When his wife Zipporah realized that it meant her husband's life...she went through with the required circumcision ...
20. What was her attitude about it? vs. 25 -
So God let Moses alone.
The Lord told Aaron to go meet his brother Moses in the wilderness. They met at the mountain of God, kissing one another. Moses told Aaron all the words of the Lord and the signs that had been shown him to do. Then Moses & Aaron assembled the elders of the sons of Isarel.
21. Who spoke the words to them? vs. 30 -
Then they performed the signs that God had given Moses to do.
22. How did the people respond to this message and the miracles they saw? vs. 31 -
23. What did they do when they realized the Lord had seen their affliction and was concerned for them? vs. 31 -
- What do you believe your gift(s) are from the Lord to serve the body of Christ with?
- Are they predominately speaking or serving gifts?
- What excuses have you used for not walking in your calling and using your gifts from the Lord?
Moses had five expressions of reluctance and God met him where he was at on every one of them. He showed him that in Him he was neither 'powerless' or 'polluted'.
In Christ, we have authority over the enemy and we have forgiveness of sins. The great commission is for each of us. We are to share His gospel and serve His body of believers.
- How will you apply this lesson to your own life and calling today?
Your summary and prayer today:
Created For RTB groups by B LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at www.read-the-bible.webs.com
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