Once God called Moses to deliver the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt, Moses had to have assurance that God was with Him and would work through Him.
God has been thorough in preparing Moses for the task through revealing His personal name to him, showing him several miracles that will work through him, and allowing his brother Aaron to be the spokesperson for him.
At first, the children of Israel were so touched to know that God had heard their cries and were going to deliver them! They believed Moses and they bowed down to worship the Lord (Exodus 4:31).
When Moses & Aaron went to Pharaoh to ask that he let the children go to sacrifice to their Lord in the wilderness, he not only said no but he made the work on the children of Israel harder and even beat the foremen and punished them although they could not possibly produce what he was asking of them.
How upset were the children of Israel with Moses & Aaron now? Very upset. They hope the Lord will judge them for decieving them like they did.
Moses goes back to the Lord and complains. He said "You haven't delivered Your people" .. "Why did you ever send Me?"...
Exodus Chapter 6
1. What does the Lord assure Moses of? vs. 1 -
God gets very intimate with Moses at this point. He tells him that although He appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and they knew Him as El Shaddai (God Almighty), He did not reveal Himself to them by His Name LORD (YHWH)...as He had to Moses.
2. We looked at this name in Exodus 3.
- Do you remember the significance of this Name of God? Look back at your lesson and write out what you learned about this Name.
God gives progressive revelation of Himself throughout the history of mankind and that is why it is so awesome that we have seen all the years and the fulfillment of the Messiah, our Lord come and explain the names of God to us and show us the Father. It is so beautiful!
Let's look at the Promises God gives to Moses and see how we have those same promises as believers in the Lord Jesus under the New Covenant of Grace today:
3. What has God established with them and will remember in regard to them? vs. 4-5 -
- Do we enjoy the covenant promises given to Abraham as believers?
- Galatians 3:7-9
- Galatians 3:15-17
4. What will God bring them out of and deliver them from?
- How will He redeem them? vs. 5 - 6 -
- As Christians, what have we been delivered from?
- Do we also have redemption? What are we redeemed from?
- Colossians 1:13
- Galatians 4:4-7
- Romans 8:1-4
5. What will God cause the sons of Israel to become and what will He be to them? vs. 7 -
- How is this true for us as believers in Christ Jesus?
- Romans 8:14-17
- John 1:12-13
- 1 Peter 2:9-10
6. What will the Lord give to the sons of Israel for their possession? vs. 8 -
- What are we looking for as a promised inheritance?
- 2 Peter 3:13
- 1 Peter 1:3-5
- Hebrews 13:14
7. When Moses told the children of Israel these wonderful promises of God, how did they respond to him and why? vs. 9 -
- Have you ever been in such a place where you heard His promises but because of disappointments in the past, you just couldn't believe them?
Is their lack of faith going to keep the Lord from fulfilling His word?
He is going to fulfill His word to Moses for the sake of the Covenant and for His own Name's Sake.Those who continue to not believe will suffer consequences, but God's plan will go forward.
8. After reassuring Moses of all that He is and all that He is going to do for the children of Israel, God sends him back again to ask Pharaoh to let them go to sacrifice to Him.
- What is Moses' response to the Lord at this time? vs. 12 and vs. 30 -
The geneology of Moses & Aaron is given in this chapter.
First, the first 3 sons of Jacob are listed: Reuben, Simeon, and Levi.
Moses & Aaron are brothers that come from the tribe of Levi.
9. What are the names of the parents of Moses & Aaron? vs. 20 -
10. Who was their grandfather? vs. 18 -
(that will be significant later...)
- Will you believe God's promises to you even though you have faced disappointments and prayers that are not answered yet?
- Will you take Him at His Word that He has plans for you that are far beyond what you can begin to think or imagine?
Walking in faith and obedience will bring you the victory.
11. Comment on these verses:
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 -
- Ephesians 3:20-21 -
Your summary and prayer today:
Created For RTB websites by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at www.read-the-bible.webs.com
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