Pharoah has finally let Moses & Aaron take the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt after the plague of the firstborn dying in his land.
The Lord established the ordinance of the Passover that was to be remembered in a feast for all future generations when the Lord "passed over" the firstborn of the children of Israel as they applied the blood of the passover lamb to their doorposts and their lives were spared.
When God led the people out, He didn't send them the way of the land of the Philistines which was near to the land of Promise. Instead He led them around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea. The Lord led them Himself in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
In Chapter 14, we saw that the Lord led the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground, but He brought the waters back over on Pharaoh and his army when they came after them to bring them back into bondage again.
What a mighty victory the Lord gave them when He fought for them and brought this great deliverance! Now we will look at the Song of Delivrance that Moses and the children of Israel sang in praise to their God.
Exodus Chapter 15
1. Read the song that Moses and Israel sang to the Lord in Exodus 15:1-18.
- What did they call the Lord? vs. 3 -
- How did they honor Him? vs. 11 -
Join in their praises for the deliverance God has brought in your life over the enemy!
- Psalm 71:19 -
- Psalm 89:5-8 -
- Micah 7:7-8 -
- Micah 7:18 -
2. Who led the women in praise as they danced before the Lord in their deliverance song? Who was she? vs. 20-21 -
3. What happened immediately following this great victory and worship service? vs. 22 -
4. When they finally found water to drink after 3 days, why couldn't they drink it? vs. 23 -
5. How did the people respond when this trial was upon them? Were they still full of faith and praise or frustration and panic? Who did they blame for this? vs. 24 -
6. The Lord made a way for them when there seems to be no way. What did He instruct Moses to do after Moses cried out to Him for help? vs. 25 -
7. What was the purpose for this test given to the children of Israel and Moses? vs. 25 -
8. What would be the result if they would listen to the Lord's commands and obey Him? vs. 26 -
9. How did God reveal Himself to them at this time? What Name of Himself did He reveal to them? vs. 26 -
10. Having come through that testing and learning period and receiving this promise of God, they also came into a time of refreshing and rest. Describe what they found in Elim where they finally were able to set up camp. vs. 27
1. Name a time when the Lord pursued your enemies into a sea and gave you deliverance and victory.
- Do you remember the song in your heart of praise?
2. Describe the test that followed and how you handled the testing of your faith.
- Did you learn something else about God Your Father during that time of testing? Share about it if you like.
3. How have you known the Lord to be Your Jehovah Rapha, Your Healer? Every born again believer has experienced the most important healing of all.
- How is this healing explained for us in 1 Peter 2:21-25 ?
4. Looking back at Exodus 15:25, how did the Lord make the bitter water sweet for them to drink and be refreshed?
- Can you see how He has taken another tree, the tree of calvary, and put it in your bitter life to make the outcome sweet and refreshing?
If you have not been freed from your bitterness, you can be today. Allow the calvary tree to come into your bitter heart and allow Jehovah Rapha to bring healing to you as He restores your faith.
Read the following verses and make comments for each, showing your responsibility and how God will act on your behalf when you come to Him in faith this way.
- Ephesians 4:31 -
- Hebrews 12:15 -
- James 3:14 -
Your summary and prayer today:
Created For RTB websites by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at
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