1. What did the Lord ask Moses to sanctify to Him? vs. 1 -
What other details are given in vs.11-13 - -
What shall they tell their son about this when he asks about it? vs. 14 - 15 -
Where did they keep the reminder to do this always? vs. 10 & vs. 16
2. Using a Bible concordance, write out the definition of
sanctification -
Note: Since all of Egypt's firstborn had been killed by the death angel, these firstborn of Israel were the ones that God had saved for Himself because of the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost of the home.
3. How are we sanctified and what does it mean in a practical way today as believers?
Hebrews 13:12 - -
1 Corinthians 1:30 - -
John 17:17 - -
Ephesians 5:26 - -
1 Thessalonians 4:3,4 - -
2 Thessalonians 2:13 -
4. What event does Moses tell the people they are to "remember"?
What are they to remember about it? vs. 3 -
5. How are they to remember this event each year? vs. 3-7 -
6. What are they to tell their sons on that day of celebration? vs. 8 -
7. Where are they to celebrate this event and how often shall they do it? vs. 5 & vs. 10 -
8. What ordinance are we to observe to remember how the Lord delivered us from the bondage to sin and saved us from the house of slavery?
Write out the main points of the Scriptures below:
Luke 22:14-20 - -
1 Corinthians 11:23-26 - -
What are we proclaiming each time we celebrate this? vs. 26 - -
Do you think this is an important time to share with our children the meaning of our salvation and what it means to us? -
Shall we determine to do this more often? -
What happens if we take this ordinance lightly and do not examine ourselves and our faith in His precious blood? 1 Corinthians 11:27-31 -
9. When Pharaoh let the Hebrews go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was the easier route and much closer for them to reach their destination into the promised land.
Why did He send them the long and hard way instead? vs. 17 -
10. What way did the Lord lead the Hebrews to their destination? vs. 18 -
Do we see spiritual warfare in our journey of life and want to change our mind about following the Lord sometimes? -
Have you ever desired to return to Egypt, to the ways of the world and the bondage of sin again?
God has a reason for the longer and the harder road as we mature in Christ.
11. Read and comment on the words of Jesus and the reply of Peter below:
What did the disciples say to Jesus in regard to His teachings on abiding in Him through the ordinance of bread and wine and what it meant to them? John 6:60 - -
What did Jesus say to them? John 6:61-64 - -
What did Jesus know about many of them? John 6:64 -
Therefore, what did He say regarding those that did not believe in Him? John 6:65 - -
What happened as a result of His hard teachings? John 6:66 - -
What did Jesus ask His 12 at that time? John 6:67 - -
How did Simon Peter answer Jesus? John 6:68-69 -
What is our answer to the Lord regarding the longer and the harder road we are asked to travel as we identify with Him?
Back to Exodus 13:
12. What did Moses remember to do in regard to Joseph's bones when they left Egypt for the Promised Land? vs. 19 -
Read where Joseph gave these instructions: -
Genesis 50:24-26 -
Note: So Joseph was embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt. It had been 400 years since that time. What kind of task was this for Moses to undertake?
13. They set out from Succoth and camped in Etham on the edge of the wilderness. How did they know where to go? vs. 21-22
How were they led in the daytime? -
How were they led at night?
Review the notes and make comments on what you want to remember regarding sanctification, the Lord's Supper, and the long road to maturity in Christ.....
Your summary and prayer today:
Created For RTB websites by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at www.read-the-bible.webs.com
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