Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and said:"Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'Let My people go that they may celebrate a feast to Me in the wilderness.' "
1. What did Pharaoh say to them? vs. 2 -
They told him that the God of the Hebrews had met with them. They asked if they could go three days' journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to the Lord their God so that pestilence and sword would not befall them.
2. They repeat this in Exodus 8:26.
- What does that verse tell us about why they needed to be three days' journey into the wilderness?
3. What did Pharaoh (king of Egypt) accuse Moses and Aaron of doing? vs. 4-5 -
Pharaoh can only think of the material and has no regard for spiritual matters. Have you ever tried to reason with a worldly-minded person to have Sundays off from work or something of a spiritual nature to have them think you were only trying to 'get out' of something rather than take at face value what you desired to do for your God?
4. Write out the end results of those who live to please themselves or the world's view verses those who live to please the Lord and His kingdom.
- Jeremiah 17:5-8 -
Trust in Man Results:
Trust in God Results:
We know We know that ultimately God will have the final say in the deliverance of the children of Israel from Pharaoh's hand. Man thinks he can control his own destiny, but it is only until the Lord has need of it.
5. What did Pharaoh tell the taskmasters to force the children of Israel to do after this request from Moses & Aaron was denied? vs. 6-8 -
6. Why did Pharaoh say they wanted to go out into the wilderness to worship? vs. 8 -
7. What was his purpose in making the labor heavier on the people? vs. 9 -
He wanted to plant doubt in their minds that their leaders had heard from God. He wanted to drive a wedge between them and those who were trying to get them out of his power.
- Who does that remind you of?
8. Who is the accuser of the believers and what does he attempt to do to our faith in God's word?
- Revelation 12:10b -
- 1 Peter 5:6-11 -
- Ephesians 4:25-27 -
- 2 Corinthians 11:3 -
- Ephesians 6:10-12 -
- Luke 22:31 -
9. The taskmasters told the people what Pharaoh had said; that they would have to find their own straw to make the bricks, but their daily quota would be the same.
- What happened to the foremen of the sons of Israel when the required work would not get done? vs. 14 -
10. What did the foreman cry to Pharaoh about? vs. 14-16
11. Did Pharaoh have any compassion for their cry?
- What did he accuse them of? vs. 17-18
12. The foreman knew they were in trouble because they were told they would not be given any straw but still must deliver the quota of bricks. When they left Pharaoh's presence, they met Moses and Aaron as they were waiting for them.
- What did they say to Moses and Aaron ... and do you think you would feel the same way? vs. 21 -
13. Where did Moses turn? He had asked the Lord with reservation about this call to go to Pharaoh and to get the children of Israel to believe he had heard from God. God had given him assurances that He would be with him and work through him. What are his questions to God now? vs. 22 -
- 1)
- 2)
14. What does he tell God straight out ? vs. 23 -
- Have you ever asked the Lord that question when things have fallen apart that you thought He had asked you to do?
I know I have.....
"Why did you ever send me?"
15. As we continue reading in Chapter 6 and will look at more in detail tomorrow, God restates His covenant promises to Moses and assures him that it will be under compulsion that Pharaoh will finally let the children of Israel go.
What does He tell Moses once again?
- Exodus 6:5 -
Have you experienced the oppression of the enemy and those who belong to the kingdom of darkness?
Are you familiar with that "driving force" that says "do more"... "it is not enough" ...that accusing voice that says "you are lazy"..."you are never going to amount to anything".......
Do you know the difference between that oppressive spirit and the Spirit of the Living God that is not compulsive or driving, but full of Grace?
When you are 'driven', chances are - it is your flesh or the voice of the enemy and the poison of religion and dead works.
When you are 'led' by still waters of peace and joy and an assurance of a future and hope, knowing that all things will work out right as long as you follow close in step with Him - it is the voice of Your Lord, Your Shepherd.
With all the chaos and confusion that Moses feels at this time and the people are angry over, God is in control.
16. Read and comment on these:
- Isaiah 55:8-11 -
- Proverbs 3:5-6 -
Your summary and prayer today:
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