Saturday, June 30, 2012

Exodus Worksheet - Chapter 16

Pharoah has finally let Moses & Aaron take the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt after the plague of the firstborn dying in his land. 
The Lord established the ordinance of the Passover for Israel to celebrate for an everlasting festival to remember their great deliverance from being enslaved to Egypt. 
God did not have them take the easy route in the wilderness toward the Promised Land.  He led them by way of the wilderness by cloud by day and fire by night. 
After their great deliverance passing over the dry land of the red sea while Pharoah and his army were drown in the sea, Moses and the congregation sang songs of praise while Miriam and the ladies danced. 
They were immediately hit with a test of finding no water to drink for three days.  When they finally found water to drink, it was bitter and could not be drank. 
Moses cried out to the Lord and the Lord showed him to put a tree into the water to make it sweet for them to drink. 
We looked at how the tree that Jesus died on, the cross, made the bitter waters of life sweet again.  God revealed Himself by Name to the children of Israel - Jehovah Rapha - The God Who Heals. 
Just as the people complained and blamed Moses during that trial, they will be complaining again as we open up today's lesson of journey in the wilderness. 
Remember, however, they had set camp in a wonderful place of palm trees and waters before yet another trial is on the horizon. 
Exodus 16
They now come to a new wilderness area on the 15th day of the 2nd month after their departure from Egypt.
1.  What are the people saying to Moses & Aaron at this point and why do they feel this way? vs. 2, 3
2.  How did God plan to meet their daily need for bread to eat? vs.4 
  • Why would it come only for the day's portion and not more than a day at a time? vs. 4 -
  • What was the only day that more would come to be gathered and why? vs. 5, vs. 22-27 -
3.  Moses & Aaron told the sons of Israel that in the evening they would know that the Lord had brought them out of Egypt and in the morning they would see the glory of the Lord.
  • What would the Lord bring for them to eat in the evenings? vs. 8 -
  • What would He bring for them to eat in the mornings? vs. 8 -
  • When the people grumbled at their leadership for their needs not being met, who were they truly grumbling at? vs. 8 -
4.  Moses told Aaron what to say to the congregation in regard to the Lord hearing their grumblings and how He would show them His glory. 
  • What did they see "appear" in the cloud before them? vs. 10 -
  • What did the Lord say to Moses from the cloud? vs. 12 -
5.  What came about that evening for the people to eat? vs. 13 -
  • What did they find around the camp when they woke up? vs. 13 -
  • When the dew evaporated, what was left behind it? vs. 14 -
6. The sons of Israel asked Moses what it was.
  • What did he tell them? vs. 15 -
  • What instructions did Moses give them in regard to gathering the bread for their households? vs. 16 -
7. Some gathered much and some gathered little, but when they measured it, what was true for all in the way of equality? vs. 18 -
8. Moses told them 'not' to leave any of it until the following day.  Some did not listen to him and left some. 
  • What happened to it if they tried to keep it over for a day? vs. 20 -
  • How did Moses react to their disobedience and lack of faith to the commands given? vs. 20 -
9. So, each day, morning by morning, they would gather as much as they needed. 
  • What would happen when the sun grew hot each day? vs. 21 -
  • Again, what did they do on the sixth day that was different and why did they do it? vs. 22-26 -
10. Some of them still went out on the seventh day and tried to find some more, but there was none to be found. 
  • What did the Lord say to Moses regarding this? vs. 28-30 - 
11. What did the house of Israel name this bread from heaven? vs. 31 -
  • What did it look like? vs. 31 - 
  • What did it taste like? vs. 31 -
12. What were the sons of Israel suppose to do to show the following generations what they ate in the wilderness journeys? vs. 32-24
  • How many years did they eat manna from heaven each day? vs. 35 -
Jesus compared Himself to the daily "manna" that fell and feed the children of Israel.  After Jesus fed the 5000 with the 5 loaves and 2 fish he got from a lad, the multitudes followed Him across the lake to the other side where He had traveled. 
  • What did Jesus say to them in John 6:26-27?
Obviously, the people wanted to know, what 'work' they could do to have eternal life. 
  • What did Jesus tell them in vs. 29? -
The people then asked Him to show them a sign. 
  • What did they refer back to regarding what their fathers had seen? vs. 31 -
Jesus took the opportunity to teach them a truth about Himself from this. 
  • Was it Moses who gave them that bread out of heaven? 
  • Who did Jesus say gave them the bread? vs. 32 -
  • What kind of bread does the Father give to all the world? vs. 32-33 -
  • What did the people say about this bread? vs. 34
Jesus told them how to receive this bread.  
  • Who did Jesus say that He is? vs. 35 -
  • What happens when we come to Him? vs. 35 - 
Read John 6:47-51. 
  • What happened when the fathers ate the manna in the wilderness? 
  • What happens when we eat (take inside of us to be a part of us) the bread of life, Jesus, the true bread from heaven? 
Jesus said He is the "living bread". 
  • How long will we live when we partake of Him? vs. 51 -
Jesus is called The Word of God (John 1:1) and He is also called The Living Bread (John 6:51).  When the children of Israel failed to take that portion of the day's bread, it would evaporate and be gone.  If they tried to save it, it would get worms. 
The Lord wanted them to get the bread "each" day and depend on Him "each" day.  He wants their fellowship every day.  We can get our "daily manna" by spending time in God's Word everyday. 
  • Isn't it great to know that you can spend time with the Living God daily to get new strength for daily living? 
  • How do you plan to continue to do this?
 Your summary and prayer today:

Created For RTB websites by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at

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