Pharoah has finally let Moses & Aaron take the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt after the plague of the firstborn dying in his land.
The Lord established the ordinance of the Passover that was to be remembered in a feast for all future generations when the Lord "passed over" the firstborn of the children of Israel as they applied the blood of the passover lamb to their doorposts and their lives were spared.
When God led the people out, He didn't send them the way of the land of the Philistines which was near to the land of Promise.
Instead He led them around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea. The Lord led them Himself in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Exodus Chapter 14
1. The Lord asks that they turn back toward Egypt to camp close to the sea.
What does He want Pharaoh to think? vs. 1-3
The Lord said that Pharaoh's heart would harden and he would decide to chase after the children of Israel so that He could be honored through them.
2. What happened next? vs. 9 -
As Pharaoh and his 600 select chariots drew near to the Hebrews, they were very frightened and they cried out to the Lord.
3. What did the Israelites say to their leader, Moses? vs. 11-12 -
Have you ever felt like this?
4. What did Moses say to encourage them? vs. 13-14 -
5. Obviously Moses had to be sure himself and he must of asked the Lord one more time.
What did the Lord say to him? vs. 15 -
The Lord told Moses to lift up his staff and stretch out his hand over the sea and divide it and the Israelites would go over on dry land.
He said that He would harden the hearts of the Egyptians to go in after them and then He would be honored among Pharaoh and his chariots.
6. What did the Lord want all the Egyptians to know? vs. 18 -
Have you sensed the Lord directing you in a certain direction only to be asked to return back the way you came again? -
Has it occured to you that He may be accomplishing something in the circumstances of others around you that they might know He is the Lord when He is honored through the situation?
One thing is for sure, His thoughts are not always our thoughts.
7. Comment on these:
Isaiah 55:8-9 - -
Proverbs 3:5 -
8. Who would fight this battle for them? vs. 14
One of the Lord's Names if Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our Banner. Amen!
Look up these verses and comment:
Deuteronomy 1:30 - -
Judges 4:14,15 - -
2 Samuel 5:24 - -
2 Chronicles 20:14-15 - -
2 Chronicles 20:17 -
In the next verses, we see 'how' the Lord fought this battle for them that day.
9. The angel of God who had been going before the camp of Israel moved and went behind them.
How did God use the pillar of cloud that had been leading them to this point? vs. 19-20 -
10. Moses stretched his hand out over the sea as the Lord commanded.
What means did the Lord use to cause the land to be dry for the Israelites to cross through the sea? vs. 21 -
11. The waters were like a wall to them on their right and on their left as they walked through the red sea on dry land. The Egyptians took up pursuit and went in after them in the midst of the sea.
What did the Lord do at the morning watch? vs. 24-25 -
12. What did the Egyptians recognize at that point? vs. 25 -
13. The Lord told Moses to stretch his hand back over the sea.
What happened to the sea and to the Egyptians in the sea? vs. 26-28 -
14. Israel had walked through on dry land and not one of them had perished.
What did they see on the seashore? vs. 30 -
15. When Israel saw the great power which the Lord had used against the Egyptians to deliver them, how did they feel toward the Lord?
Who did they believe in once again? vs. 31 -
16. Read the song that Moses and Israel sang to the Lord in Exodus 15:1-18.
What did they call the Lord? vs. 3 - -
How did they honor Him? vs. 11 -
Join in their praises for the deliverance God has brought in your life over the enemy!
Psalm 71:19 - -
Psalm 89:5-8 - -
Micah 7:7-8 - -
Micah 7:18 -
17. Who led the women in praise as they danced before the Lord in their deliverance song?
Who was she? vs. 20-21 -
Your summary and prayer today:
Created For RTB websites by B. LeMoine, used by permission only. Please join us at
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