Exodus Review:
Pharoah has finally let Moses & Aaron take the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt after the plague of the firstborn dying in his land.
The Lord established the ordinance of the Passover for Israel to celebrate for an everlasting festival to remember their great deliverance from being enslaved to Egypt.
God did not have them take the easy route in the wilderness toward the Promised Land. He led them by way of the wilderness by cloud by day and fire by night.
After their great deliverance passing over the dry land of the red sea while Pharoah and his army were drown in the sea, Moses and the congregation sang songs of praise while Miriam and the ladies danced.
They were immediately hit with a test of finding no water to drink for three days. When they finally found water to drink, it was bitter and could not be drank.
Moses cried out to the Lord and the Lord showed him to put a tree into the water to make it sweet for them to drink.
We looked at how the tree that Jesus died on, the cross, made the bitter waters of life sweet again. God revealed Himself by Name to the children of Israel - Jehovah Rapha - The God Who Heals.
Just as the people complained and blamed Moses during that trial, they will be complaining again as we open up today's lesson of journey in the wilderness.
Remember, however, they had set camp in a wonderful place of palm trees and waters before yet another trial is on the horizon.
In Exodus 16, the people grumble for the bread and meat they had in Egypt. The Lord sent manna (bread) from heaven and quail (meat) from heaven for them to eat. They continued their journey.
Exodus 17
1. How did the congregation of Israel journey from the wilderness of Sin? vs. 1a
2. Where did they camp and what situation did they find themselves in? vs. 1b
3. How did the people respond to having no water? vs. 2
4. Who did Moses say they were testing with their grumblings? vs. 2
5. The people continued to grumble against Moses. What was their complaint against him personally? vs. 3
6. Who did Moses turn to and what did he voice as a concern? vs. 4
7. How was he instructed to take care of the people's thirst? vs. 5-6
8. What was Moses to do concerning the rock where the Lord stood on at Horeb? vs. 5-6
9. Who was this rock according to 1 Corinthians 10:4?
10. What does the Lord Jesus say about Himself when speaking to the Samaritan woman in regard to supplying water for living? John 4:10-14
Back to Exodus 17
11. What happened when Moses took the staff and hit the rock with it? vs. 6
12. What did Moses name the place where the water came out of the rock and why did he name it that? vs. 7
13. How do we test the Lord according to vs. 7b?
14. Have you ever said "Is the Lord among us or not?" .. Share (if you would like) a time when you had doubts of His provision for you and yet He came through by His grace to help you even in your time of doubt?
15. Who came and fought against Israel while they were camped at Rephidim? vs. 8
16. Moses gives more insight about what Amalek did when they attacked Israel when he recounts it to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 25:17-19. Read the verses and answer these questions:
- Where did they attack Israel?
- Who did they attack?
- What condition were these in?
- Who did they not fear when they did this?
- Therefore, what was Israel to do concerning Amalek?
- When were they to do this?
Back to Exodus 17
17. Who did Moses choose to lead the fight against Amalek at that time? vs. 9
18. What did Moses do while the battle took place? vs. 9
19. Who was with Moses on top of the hill? vs. 10
20. We have heard about Aaron (being the brother of Moses). Who is Hur? See what you can learn about him and write it out.
21. What would happen in the battle as long as Moses' hands were up in the air? vs. 11
22. What would happen if he got tired and let his hands down? vs. 11
23. Because his hands were too heavy to keep in the air, what did Aaron and Hur do to help out? vs. 12 - Name 2 things
24. With this assistance, how long did Moses keep his hands steady and in the air? vs. 12
25. What was the result of the battle because of this? vs. 13
26. What did the Lord tell Moses to do? vs. 14
27. How long was this book to be in existence and what was he to do with it? vs. 14
28. What was the message in that book that Joshua and others would need to be reminded about? vs. 14
29. This victory caused Moses to build an altar there. The name of the altar was Jehovah Nissi. What did this name of the Lord mean? vs. 15
30. What does the Lord promise concerning every generation for all time? vs. 16
Today, we have seen Jesus was the spiritual rock that followed Israel in the wilderness. He has living water abundantly available to us to take care of our thirst and give us not only eternal life, but abundant life in the here and now. When we are weak, we are vulnerable. Our flesh will cause us to doubt God and to be vulnerable to the enemy's attacks on our lives. Amalek attacked the stragglers, the weak ones, those lagging behind. That is how the enemy works through our flesh when it is weak. We need prayer partners to hold our hands up in prayer. God designed us to not only need Him, our Jehovah Nissi, to help fight in battles, but also to need one another, the body of Christ. Let's look up these Scriptures and think about helping others and times when we are thankful to have our Christian friends helping us.
Read Galatians 5:13-26 as well as Galatians 6:1-2 to answer these questions:
1. Rather than use our freedom in Christ for the flesh, what are we to do with it? vs. 13
2. How is the whole law of God fulfilled? vs. 14
3. What should we be careful about? vs. 15
4. How do we 'not' carry out the desire of our 'fleshly nature' ? vs. 16
5. What does the flesh (as seen in Amalek) set its desire against? vs. 17
6. What do we learn about the flesh and the Spirit? vs.17
7. When we are led by the Spirit, what do we not need to concern ourselves with? vs. 18
8. What does it look like to walk in the flesh? vs.19-21
9. When we are walking with the Lord, being led by His Spirit, what does that look like and what does it mean in regard to the law? vs. 22-23
10. What happened to our flesh when we became a Christian? vs. 24
11. Since that is true, what do we have the ability to do and choose every single day? vs.25-26
12. When a fellow believer is caught in a trespass, what are we to do and how are we to do it? Galatians 6:1
13. How do we fulfill the law of Christ? vs. 2
14. Whose burdens are you bearing? We have many on our prayer request board that you can join in with. God bless you all.
15. Read Ephesians 6:10-18. In light of the spiritual warfare we all face (our own Amalek warriors in the heavenlies) ... not only do we need to dress in God's armor daily, but what are we instructed to do in verse 18 for others?
Just as Aaron and Hur kept Moses arms held high in the air and the battle was won when Jehovah Nissi fought it with Joshua on the battlefield, how can we apply that to our lives when we intercede for others? Do you get the visual picture in your mind?
16. Summarize Exodus 17 and the verses we have combined with it today and post a prayer if you would like.