Friday, March 23, 2012

1 Peter Worksheet - Chapter 4

1 PETER 4    

  1. What purpose does Peter say we should "arm" ourselves for and why? vs. 1
  2. How are we to live the rest of the time we have on earth? vs. 2
  3. What have we already had sufficient time being a part of? vs. 3 - Name 6 things
  4. When we turn from these worldly pleasures, the old friends are surprised that we won't run the course with them still. What do they do to the repentant person? vs. 4
  5. Who will those who malign you now face one day? vs. 5
  6. Where has the Gospel been preached and why? vs.6 ...
  7. The end of all things is near. What reason do we have to be of sound judgment and sober in spirit? vs.7
  8. Why should we keep fervent in our love for one another above all other things? vs.8
  9. When we are hospitable to one another, what should we be careful not to do? vs. 9
  10. Each person has received one or more spiritual gifts from the Lord. What are we commanded to do with our gift(s)? vs.10
  11. What are we to be good stewards of? vs.10
  12. If we employ a speaking gift, Who are we speaking for? vs.11a
  13. If we are gifted in serving and employ our gift, Who gives us the strength to serve? vs. 11a
  14. Whatever we do, in speech or action, what is the goal of our service? vs.11b
  15. As the beloved of God, what are we not to be surprised about as though something strange were happening to us? vs.12
  16. What does the degree of sufferings for Christ have to do with our rejoicing when He comes again? vs.13
  17. How are you blessed if you are reviled for the name of Christ? vs.14
  18. What are we to make sure we do not suffer because of? vs.15 - Name 4 things
  19. If we suffer as a Christian, however, we are not to be ashamed. How should we respond? vs.16
  20. What time is it for the household of God? vs. 17
  21. Peter asks....If judgment begins with us, what will it be like for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (vs.17) ... If the saved have such difficulties ... what will become of the godless and the sinners? (vs.18 ) ...
  22. When we suffer according to the will of God, Who should we entrust our souls to and why can He be trusted? vs. 19
  23. Jesus said that in this world, we would have tribulation, but to rejoice because He has overcome the world. One day, it will be worth it when we see Him. During our stay on earth, we have been given one or more spiritual gifts. Have you discovered your gift(s)? How have you put it to work to serve the body of Christ until He comes?
  24. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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