Thursday, March 1, 2012

Philemon Worksheet - Chapter 1

Philemon 1    

  1. How did Paul describe himself to Philemon in this letter? Vs. 1
  2. Who was with Paul when he wrote this letter to Philemon? Vs. 1
  3. How does Paul describe Philemon in the greeting? Vs. 1
  4. Who does Paul include in this letter as well? Vs. 2 – Name 3 sources given
  5. What greetings does Paul give in the beginning? Vs. 3
  6. What does Paul do for this church and these people on a regular basis? Vs. 4
  7. What has Paul heard about these believers that he thanks God for? Vs. 5
  8. How will the fellowship of their faith become effective? Vs. 6
  9. What has brought Paul much joy and comfort concering his brother in the Lord, Philemon? Vs.7
  10. Have you experienced that joy in watching another give refreshments to the saints? Share if you would like.
  11. Paul knows that he has enough confidence in Christ concerning his position as an apostle that he could literally ‘order’ Philemon to do something. Rather than ‘order’ him, how does he prefer to handle it? Vs. 8-9
  12. What is Paul’s current condition as he writes this letter to his brother in the Lord, Philemon? Vs. 9
  13. Who is the subject of Paul’s appeal (request) to Philemon? Vs.10,11
  14. What has Paul done concerning this person, Onesimus and how dear is this gesture on Paul’s part? Vs.12,13
  15. Why did Paul not keep Onesimus with him without Philemon’s permission? Vs.14
  16. What is Paul’s heart concerning Philemon and Onesimus? Vs.15-16
  17. How does Paul want Philemon to receive Onesimus? Vs.17
  18. If Onesimus has wronged Philemon in anyway or owes him anything, what does Paul want to do to take care of it? Vs.18,19
  19. How does Paul want to benefit from Philemon? Vs.20
  20. Paul is confident that Philemon will be obedient to what he is asking. To what measure does he believe he will obey? Vs.21
  21. What does Paul also need Philemon to prepare for him and why? Vs.22
  22. Who sends a greeting in the letter that is a fellow prisoner with Paul? Vs.23
  23. Who sends greetings that are Paul’s fellow workers? Vs.24 – Name 4 given
  24. Do any of these names sound familiar to you? Look back at 2 Timothy 4:10 and record what Paul said about Dema.
  25. What does Paul say regarding Luke and Mark in 2 Timothy 4:11?
  26. What had happened to Paul when he was on defense for his faith at the end of his life? 2 Timothy 4:16-18
  27. It is beautiful for us to have this record of the salvation of Onesimus and how Paul followed up on his physical care and spiritual care. Has anyone ever done this for you or has the Lord used you in encouraging another in such a way before? Please think about it and share if you would like.
  28. Summarize your thoughts and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

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