Monday, March 19, 2012

James Worksheet - Chapter 5

James 5    

  1. What is James saying will happen to the rich in this life? vs. 1
  2. What will happen to their riches and garments? vs. 2
  3. What will happen to their gold and their silver? vs. 3
  4. Who will cry out against the rich? vs. 4a
  5. Where have their cries ascended to? vs. 4b
  6. The rich had lived luxuriously on the earth and led a life of wanton pleasure. Who did they condemn and put to death? vs.6
  7. Because God will repay those who have afflicted us, what should we be patient for? vs. 7
  8. What does God compare our waiting for the Lord to? vs. 7
  9. James said for us to be patient and strengthen our hearts. What is near? vs. 8
  10. What are we not to do as we wait for "the Judge" to come from heaven? vs. 9
  11. Who should we look at for an example of suffering and patience? vs. 10
  12. We count those blessed who endured. (vs.11) ...When we see the outcome of Job, what do we learn about the Lord's dealings with him? vs. 11
  13. What should we make sure not to do above all things? vs. 12
  14. What should our word be so that we may not fall under judgment? vs. 12
  15. What should we do when we are suffering? vs. 13
  16. What should we do when we are cheerful? vs. 13
  17. What should we do when we are sick? vs. 14
  18. What will a pray offered up in faith by the elders of the church do for you when you are sick? vs. 15 - Name 3 things Note: Restore is a "time word" and the prayers of faith begin the "process" of restoration. Do we take God at His Word? Do we have elders in our church that will pray the prayer of faith for us when we need them in times of illness? Praise God for His servants in your life that are there to help in this way.
  19. Many times, we need spiritual "healing". How is this accomplished in our lives? vs. 16
  20. What can the effective prayers of a righteous man accomplish? vs. 16
  21. Elijah was a with a nature like ours. You can read about his prayers and the results that are given here in James in the historical account of I Kings 17-19. He was making a stand against the idolatry to the prophets of Baal, and He was showing that God was the One with power and authority over nature and lives. James tells us that he prayed "earnestly" or "fervently" that it would not rain. What was the result of his prayer? vs. 17
  22. At the end of that time, Elijah prayed again. What happened when he prayed again? vs. 18
  23. How does Elijah's prayer life encourage you today? What challenges are you praying fervently for at this time in your life?
  24. James spoke to his Jewish brethren scattered around, telling them to help any who were straying from the truth of the gospel to get back on track with the truth. (vs.19) For those who turn a sinner from their error, what have they done for him? vs. 20 - Name 2 things
  25. Is there someone you need to be praying for and helping get back to the truth of God's Word again today? Begin with prayer and follow up with a conversation with them soon. Amen.
  26. As you think through chapter 5, what things do you want to remember? Look back through the 5 chapters of James and list the verse that stood out to you from the book, which will be a great way to review and keep this book in your mind and heart.
  27. Write a summary and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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