Saturday, March 24, 2012

2 Peter Worksheet - Chapter 1

2 PETER 1    

  1. In Peter's 2nd letter, he addresses the recipients as having a faith of the same kind as theirs. How does he describe it? vs. 1
  2. What is not only added, but multiplied to us when we know God and Jesus our Lord? vs. 2 - Name 2 things
  3. What has the divine power of God granted to us? vs.3a
  4. How do we obtain this divine power? vs.3b
  5. What has God granted to us in order to become partakers of His divine nature and to escape the corruption in the world by lust? vs. 4
  6. What qualities render you neither useless or unfruitful in the true knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ when you not only possess them, but they are increasing in your life? vs.5-8 - Name 8 qualities
  7. If you are lacking any of these qualities, what does that mean? vs. 9 - Name 2 reasons given
  8. Because of this, what are we to make certain about? vs. 10 - Name 2 things
  9. What can you be sure of if you are practicing these things? vs. 10b,11
  10. Because these things are so important, what would Peter always be ready to do? vs. 12
  11. Peter wanted to remind them of these things.(vs.13) What did Peter know about the circumstances of his own life at this time? vs. 14 -
  12. What did he want them to be able to do after his departure? vs.15
  13. Peter said they did not follow cleverly devised tales when they made known to them about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. What was Peter an eyewitness of? vs. 16
  14. Peter, James, and John were there at The Transfiguration on the holy mountain with Jesus. (Matthew 17:1-5) . What utterance did they hear from heaven regarding Jesus at that time? vs.17,18
  15. Therefore, Peter and those who heard this had the prophetic word made even more sure. (vs.19) ...What does he compare the Scriptures to for all of his readers? vs.19
  16. What are we to know first of all concerning all prophecies given in the Scriptures? vs.20
  17. No prophecy of The Scriptures was ever made by an act of human will. Who was the One speaking when the men wrote down the words? vs.21
  18. Looking back over this chapter and seeing the qualities that we should possess and have increase in as we grow in grace and peace in the Lord ... how are you doing? Have you become short sighted, having forgotten the purification of your former sins? In other words, are we lacking in gratitude for what Christ has done for us? If so, we can repent today and be determined to start again, with a desire to possess these qualities and to grow in them.
  19. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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