Thursday, March 15, 2012

James Worksheet - Chapter 1

James 1    

  1. Who did James send this letter to? vs.1
  2. What does James want these Jewish believers to consider to be all joy and why? vs.2,3
  3. Faith that is tested produces endurance (vs.3). What are they to let endurance have in them and what will the result be? (vs.4) Name 3 things
  4. If any one lacks wisdom, they are to ask of God who gives to all generously, and without reproach. (vs.5) What will be given them for the asking? vs. 5
  5. However, the asking must be "in faith" without any doubting. What does he say the one with doubt is compared to? vs. 6
  6. What should the one with doubt, who is double-minded, and unstable in their ways, expect to receive from the Lord? vs. 7,8
  7. What should the brother of "humble" circumstances "glory" in? vs. 9
  8. What should the "rich man" glory in and why? vs. 10
  9. What happens to the rich man in the midst of his pursuits? vs. 11
  10. Who is the blessed man? vs. 12a
  11. What will the man who has persevered receive? vs. 12b
  12. What has the Lord promised to all who love Him and persevere? vs.12c
  13. What did you learn about God's role in temptation? vs.13
  14. What stages of temptation did you learn about from James in vs.14,15 - Name 4 things
  15. Do you believe that any sin that is given in to over and over without repentance will finally bring a form of death, either to health, ministry, relationships, etc? How can you stop the process and get back on the path of God's best for your life?
  16. We are not to be deceived by the enemy as Eve was when she thought God was holding out on her and took the fruit in disobedience to God's command. What are we to know comes from God? vs.16 - Name 2 things
  17. What is God called in this verse and what do we learn about Him? vs. 17 We were brought forth by the excercise of His will by the Word of truth. (vs.18 )
  18. What should we be quick to do? vs. 19
  19. What should we be slow to do? vs. 19 - Name 2 things
  20. What does not achieve God's righteousness? vs. 20
  21. What are we to put aside? vs.21a - Name 2 things
  22. What are we to receive in humility and what is it able to do? vs. 21b
  23. We are to prove ourselves by being "doers" of the Word and not just "hearers" who delude themselves. (vs.22) What is a person like who hears the word, but does not walk in the teaching? vs. 23-24
  24. How do we become an effectual doer and not a forget hearer? What do we need to look intently upon? What will the results be? vs.25
  25. What does it mean if one cannot bridle their own tongue from wrong speech? vs. 26
  26. What is pure and undefiled religion? vs. 27 - Name 3 things
  27. What have you been convicted by today? Your speech, your anger, your apathy of not doing the things you are prompted by the Spirit to do? Are you a hearer, but not a doer? I am sure all of us have some conviction today. Summarize your thoughts and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

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