Saturday, March 17, 2012

James Worksheet - Chapter 4

James 4    

  1. What does James say the source of quarrels and conflicts are among us? vs. 1
  2. How did Paul put this in his letter to the Galatians? (Galatians 5:16,17)
  3. Fighting and quarreling are usually based on being envious and not having something we desire. When lusts are unchecked, it can even lead to such sins as murder. ... What is the reason why we do not have the things we need? vs. 2
  4. What is the reason we may not receive even when we do ask according to verse 3?
  5. How do we commit spiritual adultery in God's eyes? vs.4
  6. What is God jealous for concerning us? vs.5
  7. The Lord gives a greater grace so that we can fellowship with Him again. He is opposed to the proud. Who does He give grace to? vs. 6
  8. According to verse 7a, how do we humble ourselves?
  9. The devil has influenced us to be friends with the world and lust after things that have grieved the heart of God. How do we get rid of his influence over us? vs. 7 - Name 2 things
  10. Once the devil is taken care of, what are we to do? vs.8,9 - Name 9 things.
  11. After you have turned to God in this true repentant way, what does God promise to do for you? vs. 10
  12. When we speak against another Christian or judge another Christian, what are we actually speaking against and judging? vs.11
  13. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge. What is He able to do? vs.12
  14. Therefore, what are we not to do? vs. 12
  15. When we make plans, what should we always be careful to say in regard to them and why? vs.13-15
  16. What does God call our arrogance and boasting? vs.16
  17. How does James define sin in verse 17?
  18. This chapter concerns the battle between our flesh and our spiritual nature. The devil is right behind our flesh tempting us to be friends with the world and to make plans without God's involvement. These things are spiritual adultery to God, Who longs to be a part of our decisions and actions. When we are not looking to Him, but looking to other sources, we grieve the Spirit that He has placed within us (Also see Ephesians 4:30) ... He has shown us in this chapter how to apply His grace and draw near to Him again. Think about the things that He would want you to repent of and speak that in your prayers to Him. Write out a summary and post any notes that you might want to share with the group today.


Father God, I pray ...

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