Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hebrews, Chapter 9





Hebrews 9    

  1. What did the 1st covenant have? vs. 1 - Name 2 things

  2. The outer tabernacle was prepared. What was there? vs. 2 - Name 3 things.

  3. What was this outer tabernacle called? vs. 2

  4. What was the tabernacle behind the second veil called? vs.3

  5. What was inside the inner tabernacle behind the veil? vs. 4a - Name 2 things

  6. What was the ark of the covenant covered with? vs. 4

  7. What were the 3 things inside the ark of the covenant? vs. 4

  8. What were above the ark of the covenant? vs. 5

  9. The author cannot speak of these things in detail. When these things were prepared, what were the priests doing continually in the outer tabernacle? vs. 6

  10. Who was the only person who ever entered the second tabernacle called the Holy of Holies where the ark of the covenant was? vs. 7

  11. How often did the high priest enter the holy of holies (the inner tabernacle behind the veil) ? vs. 7

  12. What had to be shed first and taken with him for his own sins and the people's sin committed in ignorance? vs. 7

  13. What is the Holy Spirit telling us by this requirement when the first tabernacle was still standing? vs. 8

  14. What were the gifts and sacrifices of that time not able to do for the one worshipping? vs. 9

  15. What did the gifts and sacrifices related to at that time? vs. 10 - Name 3 things

  16. How long were these rituals imposed upon the people? vs. 10b

  17. What tabernacle did Christ enter when He appeared as a High Priest of the good things to come? vs. 11

  18. Rather than the blood of animals, what blood did Christ enter through? vs. 12

  19. How many times did Christ need to enter and what did He accomplish? vs. 12

  20. What was the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled for? vs.13

  21. What has the blood of Christ done for us? vs.14

  22. What is Jesus the mediator of? vs.15

  23. How has redemption been accomplished and what does it guarantee us? vs. 15

  24. A covenant is only valid after the person has died. (vs.16,17) What death happened to cause the first covenant to be valid? vs.18-21

  25. What is required for forgiveness to take place? vs.22

  26. It was necessary for the "copies" of the things in the heavens to be cleansed with the blood of the animals, but the "heavenly things themselves" were by even better sacrifices than these (vs.23) Christ did not enter a tabernacle made by hands which was a "copy" of the true one. Where did He enter and where does He appear right now for us ?? vs.24

  27. Christ would not offer Himself often as the high priest that entered year after year with blood that was not his own. (vs.25) If that were the case, Jesus would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world. (vs.26)...What did Jesus do at one time in HIStory at the consummation of the ages? vs. 26

  28. It is appointed for man to die once and after that, what happens? vs. 27

  29. Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many (vs.28 ). The second time He appears will not be for sin, but for salvation. Who will His 2nd appearance be for? vs. 28

  30. In thinking about the second coming of Jesus, are you eagerly awaiting that time? How great is it that Jesus is appearing before the Father in heaven as our High Priest this very hour? Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you like.


Father God, I pray ...

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