Friday, March 30, 2012

1 John Worksheet - Chapter 3

1 JOHN 3    

  1. What has the Father's love bestowed upon those of us who believe in His Son? vs. 1
  2. Because we are children of God, how does the world relate to us and why? vs. 1
  3. Currently we are children of God. What will we be like when Jesus appears for us and why? vs. 2
  4. When we set our hopes on the coming of the Lord, what does it do for us? vs. 3
  5. Those who practice sin continually are lawless, not regarding the laws or commands of the Lord. (vs.4) What was the Lord's purpose in appearing on earth and dying on the cross? vs. 5
  6. When we abide in the Lord (who has no sin), can we be creatures of sin or ones who have habitually sinful lives? vs.6
  7. We know that in 1 John 1:10, we were told that if we say we do not have sin, we have been deceived, but if we confess our sin, we are forgiven. It does not mean that we cannot have occassional sin, it means that belonging to Him, we would not have a habitual sinful lifestyle. We have already seen the word 'practice' above; those who 'practice' sin do not belong to Him.
  8. John does not want us to be deceived. If someone practices righteousness (right things), they are righteous...but if they practice sin habitually, who do they belong to and how do we know? vs.7,8
  9. Again, what was the purpose of God's Son appearing on earth and dying on the cross? vs. 8
  10. If we are born of God, and have the seed of God within us that brought about our new birth, can we practice sin in our life? vs. 9
  11. John tells us that the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious. Who is not of God? vs.10 - Name 2 things
  12. Compare and contrast Cain and Abel as found in vs.11-12. What do we learn from their example?
  13. What should not surprise us? vs. 13
  14. How do we know that we have passed from death into life in Christ? What is the evidence that we are born again? vs. 14
  15. What does hating another make us guilty of? vs. 15
  16. What did Jesus tell us in Matthew 5:21-24?

    Back to 1 John 3
  17. How did Jesus show us what love is? vs.16
  18. What are some practicial ways we can show lay our lives down for our brethren? vs.17
  19. If we close our hearts to those in need, what does that show about our lives? vs. 17
  20. We should not only love others with our words, but how do we show that we love them? vs.18
  21. When we are actually doing deeds of love, we know that we are of the truth, truly children of God, and this will 'assure' our hearts before Him, even when our own heart would 'try' to condemn us. Who is greater than our heart or personal feelings? vs. 19,20
  22. Who knows all things and therefore knows our hearts better than we do? vs. 20
  23. When we assure our own hearts before God, and don't allow our heart (or feelings) to condemn us, what does it give us? vs. 21
  24. When we have confidence in our relationship to God by doing things that we know are pleasing to Him, how does this effect our prayer lives? vs. 21,22
  25. What is are the commandments of God we are to obey? vs.23 - Name 2 things
  26. What did Jesus say in Gospel of John 6:29?
  27. What did Jesus say in Gospel of John 15:12?
  28. When we believe in Him and love others, we are abiding in Him and He is abiding in us. (vs.24a)... Who is abiding in us that causes us to know we abide in the Lord? vs. 24
  29. What did Jesus say about the Spirit in John's recorded Gospel account? Write out things He told them from the verses that follow:

    John 14:17-
    John 14:26 -
    John 15:26 -
    John 16:13 -
  30. A couple of verses in Romans will be good for us to look at as well concerning being a child of God and knowing we are by the Spirit that abides in us. Look up these verses and write them out:

    Romans 8:14 -
    Romans 8:16 -
  31. Do you have the Spirit of God abiding in you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord? Examine yourself and see if you love others because of God's love that has been placed there by His Spirit. This is the distinguishing mark of the child of God.
  32. Summarize this chapter and post a prayer if you would like.


Father God, I pray ...

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