Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Luke Worksheet - Chapter 10


Luke Chapter 10 - Assignment

1. Read the Chapter Straight Through from your own Bible at home or from an online website.

2. Read through again in sections broken down for you below and answer the questions if you would like to for help in meditating on the message.

3. Conclude with summarizing the verse that means the most to you and your thoughts and/or prayers.


Luke 10:1-16 - The 70 Sent Out

1.  The Lord paired 70 other disciples into sets of two and sent them ahead of Him into every city and place that He Himself was going to come.  What was He saying to them in regard to this and what do you believe one of their main purposes was because of this?  vs. 2 -

2.  Jesus told this group of 70 the same thing He had told His 12 when He sent them out; they were lambs in the midst of wolves.  They were not to carry any provisions for themselves, but stay at a house that warmly greeted them.  If a man of peace lived there, their greeting of peace would rest on him, but if not, it would return to them.  They were to eat and drink whatever was put before them.  They were not to move from house to house.  What were the two things they were to do for the people of the cities they visited? vs. 9 -

3.  What would happen to the cities that were not receptive of them and their message? vs.10-15 -

To listen to the ones sent by Jesus was to listen to Jesus Himself.  To reject them, was to reject Jesus.  To reject Jesus was to reject His Father who sent Him.

4.  Do we receive the words of the apostles who wrote the New Testament as the words of Jesus Himself?  To reject their word is to reject His words and that is to reject God.  Do we warmly receive those who come to preach His Word to us?  Are we praying for laborers to go into the fields that are white for harvest?  Are we willing to be the one He sends?



Luke 10:17-29 - The Happy Results

1.  The 70 disciples returned from their journeys with joy.  Why were they filled with joy?  What did Jesus tell them they should actually be rejoicing over? vs. 20 -

Jesus was not surprised at their authority over demonic spirits for He had given them that authority.  He had seen Satan fall from heaven with His own eyes.

Are we excercising our God-given authority over the demons that war against us?  Why or why not?

2.  Jesus prayed at that very moment, rejoicing greatly in the Holy Spirit.  Who had the Father revealed the mysteries to?  Who were they hidden from?  How does one receive revelation of Jesus and the things of the Spirit?

3.  Why did Jesus say that the disciples were blessed more than many prophets and kings of the past? vs. 23-24

4.  A certain lawyer listening to Jesus wanted to know how he could obtain eternal life.  What did Jesus say to him and how did the lawyer answer Him back?

Do you believe this is how to receive salvation?  Why do you think Jesus might have answered him in this way?

When Jesus said to love his neighbor, the lawyer wanted to know 'who' his neighbor was ......

Jesus explains in the next section...


Luke 10:30-37 - The Good Samaritan

The lawyer is asking Jesus who his neighbor is that he is suppose to love as himself in order to have eternal life.  To illustrate a good neighbor, Jesus tells him a story.

1.  What situation did a certain man find himself in as he traveled from Jerusalem down to Jericho? vs. 30 -

2.  What did the priest going by do for this hurting man? vs. 31 -

3.  What did the Levite do who came by and saw this hurting man? vs. 32 -

4.  What did the Samaritan feel for the man when he saw him?  What did he do for his wounds?  How did he get the man cared for?

5.  Jesus asked the lawyer:  "Which of these 3 do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robber's hands?"  ... How did the lawyer answer?  What did Jesus say to him?

6.  What kind of neighbor are you to others who are hurting?  Why or why not?  What would Jesus say to you?



Luke 10:38-42 - Martha & Mary

As Jesus and His disciples traveled along, they came to a certain village and a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home.

1.  What was Martha's sister's name and what did she do concerning Jesus?

2.  What was Martha doing and what did she feel toward the Lord in regard to her sister?  What did she feel toward her sister?  What did she want the Lord to do concerning this?

3.  What did the Lord tell Martha about her dilemma?

4.  What did the Lord say about Mary's choice?

5.  Are you more like Martha or Mary?  How can you be more like Mary even if hospitality is one of your gifts as Martha's obviously was?



Luke Chapter 10 - Conclusion

  • Can you summarize what you learned today?
  • Do you have a verse you want to commit to memory in your heart from today?
  • What is your final thoughts and or prayers concerning this chapter?

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