Saturday, March 21, 2009

Luke Worksheet - Chapter 12


Luke Chapter 12 - Assignment

1. Read the Chapter Straight Through from your own Bible at home or use an online Bible website. 

2. Read through again in sections broken down for you below and answer the questions if you would like to for help in meditating on the message.

3. Conclude with summarizing the verse that means the most to you and your thoughts and/or prayers.


Luke 12:1-12 - God Knows and Cares

1.  A very large crowd of thousands were gathered to the point of even stepping on one another when Jesus began to speak to His disciples about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  He made clear that all hidden things would be brought to the light and made known.  He also told them they should not fear those who could kill them only, but they should fear God who after killing them had the authority to cast them into hell as well. (vs.5).  He then spent time to reassure them of God's love and care for them.  What did he remind them about concerning God's care and love for them? vs. 6-7 -

2.  How can a person know that Jesus will claim them as His own on judgment day before the Father? vs. 8-9 -

3.  What is the only sin that will not be forgiven according to Jesus in verse 10?  (spend some time researching this subject in all the Word of God and explain in your own words what you believe this means from all you glean)...

4.  Jesus wanted His disciples to know that they would be brought before synagogues, rulers, and authorities by these religious leaders.  What were they not to be anxious about and why? vs. 11-12 -

5.  Has there been a time when the Holy Spirit has spoken through you when you did not know the words you would have to say to someone?  Testimonies are always welcome on our assignment discussions.  Feel free to share your experiences with the group.



Luke 12:13-34- Covetousness Denounced

1.  Someone in the crowd asked Jesus to tell his brother to share the family inheritance with him.  Jesus said He was not one to arbitrate those matters for him.  In fact, what did Jesus tell the man to be aware of in his own heart? vs. 15 -

2.  Jesus said that even when one had an abundance of possessions, it did not make his life complete or secure.  It is not the right thing to trust in.  He told them a parable of a rich man who had so much, he tore down his barns and built bigger ones to store up all that he had so he could relax and feel secure in his present and future needs.  What did God require of that man that very night? vs. 20 -   What lesson does this teach us? vs. 21 -

3.  Jesus went on to teach from this that we are not to be anxious about our lives; with what we will eat or wear.  What is more important to God than food and clothing? vs. 23 -  

4.  What can we look at in nature and know that God will take care of our physical needs of food and clothing? vs. 24-28 -

5.  What are we not to seek and what are we not to do? What does God already know in regard to us? vs. 29-30

6.  If we seek for God's kingdom, what will He take care of for us? What has He chosen to give us? What can we be sure of if we will take care of the treasures of His kingdom most of all? vs. 31-34 -

7.  Where would you say your heart is today and why do you think so according to these verses?



Luke 12:35-48 - Be in Readiness

1.  Jesus told His disciples to be ready with their lamps alight like those waiting for their master to return from the wedding feast no matter what time he would arrive.  He said the thief could not break into the house if the owner of the house knew he was coming.  Why are we to stay ready as well concerning the coming of the Son of Man for us? vs. 40

2.  Peter wanted to know if the parable Jesus told was for them or for everyone else as well.  Jesus explained to him about the faithful and sensible steward of the master's possessions.  What would the Master do if he found his steward taking care of his servants? vs. 43-44

3.  What would the Master do if he found his steward getting weary of His return and mistreating his servants instead, deciding it was not worth working for him? vs. 45-46

4.  What punishment would the person get who knew the Master's will and did not do it? vs. 47 -

5.  What punishment would the person get who did know know the Master's will in this? vs. 48 -

6.  To Peter and others who knew fully well the Lord's teachings and their calling to care for His kingdom of people, what would be required of them?  vs. 48b -

8.  Are we entrusted with much in our country, in our lives, in our calling?  What will the Lord require of us?  Are we ready to hear "well done" when He returns?  Why or why not? 



Luke 12:49-59 - Christ Divides Men

1. We hear that Jesus is called the Prince of Peace.  That is true.  He is and He can bring peace to Your heart even in a world filled with tribulation and pain.  But did He come the first time to bring world peace and peace on earth as we hear so often at Christmas time in regard to His first coming?  What does He say in His own words in vs. 51 ?

2.  Who will be divided over faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? vs. 51-53

3.  Have you experienced this in your own household?  Has your faith in Him caused division in your closest relationships?

4.  What does Jesus want us to analyze and discern about the times we are living in?  What does he want us to be aware of in these times? vs. 54-59

5.  By the way, when the angel said  "Peace on Earth" that we hear spoken about at Christmas, what exactly did he say about peace and who does it belong to?  See Luke 2:14 and write it here:

6.  Are you experiencing God's peace in your life today?  Why or why not?



Luke Chapter 12 - Conclusion

  • Can you summarize what you learned today?
  • Do you have a verse you want to commit to memory in your heart from today?
  • What is your final thoughts and or prayers concerning this chapter?

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