Monday, February 9, 2009

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 27

Genesis Chapter 27

1. Isaac was old and his eyesight was not good.  He called his older son Esau by his side and told him he did not know when he would die. 

  • What did he want Esau to do for him in his old age? vs. 1-4

2. What did Isaac plan to do for Esau before he died? vs. 4 -

The blessing was to go along with the birthright and Isaac most likely did not know that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob and therefore despised it.  Esau wanted the blessings but cared nothing about the birthright.

3. Read and comment on Esau's attitude toward his birthright:

  • Genesis 25:27-34 -

Since Esau is the oldest of the twins, it is natural that Isaac believes he should give the blessing with the birthright to him, but God has already revealed to Rebekah in her pregnancy that His plans are not the same as those of man's natural thinking.

4. What did God tell Rebekah when she inquired of Him about the struggle going on in her womb?

  • Genesis 25:21-23 -

Back to Genesis 27:

5. Who was listening and heard what Isaac told Esau?

  • vs. 5 -

Rebecca knew from the Lord Himself that the covenant blessings were to be passed on to the younger son, Jacob. 

6. Esau has already caused them grief in his rebellious ways. 

  • What did we learn that he did to Isaac & Rebekah in Genesis 26:34 ?

7.  The New Testament gives us a deeper look into the condition of Esau's heart. 

What is the author of Hebrews teaching the church to avoid while comparing the sins to Esau?

  • Hebrews 12:15-16 -

Back to Genesis 27:

Rebekah helped Jacob to appear hairy like Esau for his father's touch and helped prepare the meal with savory flavor for Isaac to eat.

Jacob deceived his father Isaac and Isaac believed that it was Esau he was giving the blessings to. 

8. What was the blessing that he intended to give Esau but it was spoken over Jacob now instead?

  • vs. 28-29

How does this compare to what God told Rebekah would be the blessing over Jacob, the younger? (Genesis 25:21-23)

When Esau came back to give the meal he had hunted and prepared for his father Isaac, Isaac trembled violently from being decieved by Jacob and giving the blessing to Jacob instead. 

He could not take the blessing back.  This was the power of the spoken word in that day.  It was the same as a written covenant bound word.

Esau wanted to hear a blessing of some kind from Isaac but when Isaac opened his mouth to speak over him, the words of prophecy that were given by God were not favorable for him.

9. What would his future be like?

  • vs. 39-40 -

10. How did Esau feel toward Jacob from that day on and what did he plan to do to Jacob after the death of their father? 

  • vs. 41 -

Rebekah got word of Esau's plans toward Jacob and warned him to flee to Haran to her brother Laban's home.  She told him to stay there a few days until Esau's anger subsided. 

11. How was Rebekah feeling about life because of the grief Esau had brought to them?

  • vs. 46 -


Genesis 27:34 states that when Esau did not get the blessings but was deceived, he cried out with an exceedingly great and bitter cry. 

In Hebrews 12:17, it states that he desired the blessings, but rejected his birthright and found no place for repentance even through his tears.

Esau was only sorry to not get the inherited blessings.  His sorrow was not sorrow that is according to the will of God that produces repentance that leads to salvation, but it was the sorrow of the world that produces death. 

12. Read 2 Corinthians 7:8-11

  • What will godly sorrow produce in us?
  • Name 8 things from these verses that result from godly sorrow:

(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)     (5)     (6)     (7)     (8)

13. Esau was letting his envy of Jacob produce anger and letting his anger produce the evil thought of murder. 

What do the following verses teach us on controllling our anger and watching the motives of our hearts concerning this dangerous emotion?

  • Cain's Anger:  Genesis 4:5-7 -
  • Esau's Anger:  Genesis 27:41-
  • Jesus Taught:  Matthew 5:21-22; Matthew 5:23-24 -
  • James Taught:  James 3:14-16; James 4:1-2
  • Paul Taught:  Ephesians 5:26-27; Ephesians 5:31 -

Your summary and prayer today:




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