Monday, February 9, 2009

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 29

Genesis Chapter 29

Jacob went on his journey and came to the land of the sons of the east.  He saw a well in the field with 3 flocks of sheep lying beside it.

This well was used to water the sheep and when they finished watering them, they would roll the large stone back on top of the well.

Jacob asked the men he saw where they were from.  They were from Haran.

He wanted to know if they knew Laban, son of Nahor.  They said they did.  He asked them if all was well with him.  They said it was well.

1. Who did they saw was coming at that time with his sheep?

  • vs. 6 -

2. What did Jacob do when he saw her and the sheep with her?

  • vs. 10 -

3. What did he do after this?

  • vs. 11 -

He told Rachel that he was a relative of her father; that he was Rebekah's son.  She ran to tell her father the news. 

4. How did Laban react to the news of Jacob, Rebekah's son?

  • vs. 13-14

After being there a month, Laban asked Jacob what wages he should be paid for his labor to him since he was his relative.  

5.  What did Jacob say he would work 7 years to receive?

  • vs. 18

Laban said he would rather give her to him than another man and agreed that after seven years of work, Jacob could have Rachel as a wife. 

6. How long did the 7 years seem to Jacob and why?

  • vs. 20 -

7. After the 7 years were completed, it was time for Jacob to receive his wife for the work he had done.  Laban gathered all the men of the place and made a feast. 

In the evening, who did he take to Jacob's tent? 

  • vs. 23 -

8. Who was she and how was she different from Rachel, the one Jacob loved?

  • vs. 16-18 -

When morning came after the wedding night, Jacob saw that he had been given Leah instead of Rachel. 

9. What did he say to Laban?

  • vs. 25

Jacob had deceived his father Isaac and although it was in God's plans for him to receive the covenant blessings, he had used deception to receive it.  God worked all things together to bring about the good intended, but there was still the law of 'sowing and reaping' in motion. 

What is the Bible clear about regarding this?

  • Galatians 6:7 -

Laban simply said it was not their practice to give the younger before the older one.  He said after the wedding week with Leah, he would give him Rachel as well for another 7 years of work.  Jacob agreed to it for her.

Laban gave each of his daughters a maid as they married.

10. What was the name of Leah's maid?

  • vs. 24 -

11. What was the name of Rachel's maid?

  • vs. 29 -

Finally Jacob got to be with the one he loved and had worked for, Rachel.  

12. The Lord saw that Leah was unloved.  What did He do for her?

  • vs. 31 -

13. What was Rachel's condition?

  • vs. 31 -

14. Leah concieved and bore Jacob's firstborn son.  They named him Reuben. 

What did Leah hope would happen because of this birth?

  • vs. 32 -

15. She conceived again and bore another son.  They named him Simeon. 

She knew the Lord gave her another son because she was unloved.

16. On the third son, named Levi - what did Leah hope for this time?

  • vs. 34 -

17. The fourth and final son that Leah had was named Judah. 

What did she say this time?

  • vs. 35 -

Take Note:  Of the four sons that Leah blessed Jacob with, Levi was the father of the Aaronic Priesthood and Judah was the 'seed' that the Messiah would eventually come through! 

Although she did not have the love of her husband, she had the love of the Lord.  Her life was of great significance in the Lord's plan of the ages.  Many times, we cannot see what God is doing because we are so focused on the approval of a person we want to love us. 

18. Can you think of a time when you were blinded to the goodness of God's work in your life because you were focusing on the attention of a person instead? 

Does Leah's story encourage you in anyway? 

Share if you would like to.

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