Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark Worksheet - Chapter 4

Worksheet - Mark 4

Review of Chapter 3:

  • 1) We saw that Jesus got angry over the religious people putting laws above the law of love in helping another on the Sabbath Day.  We know Jesus did not have sin, so we examined that anger is not always sin.  We are commanded to 'be angry' but not to let the sun go down on our anger.  If we stay in a state of anger, no matter how righteous the reason, we give the devil an opportunity to work through us. 
  • 2) We are to lay aside anger and other negative emotions and embrace the positive emotions given through faith of love, kindness, patience, and forgiveness. 
  • 3) Jesus was not received in His ministry work by His own family; they did not believe He was God's son but felt He had gone mad; the religious rulers of the day said that He worked by the powers of Satan.  Jesus said that those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit by calling the Son of God a servant of the devil were not going to be forgiven for that in this life or the next. 
  • 4) Jesus did not put His own family, including the virgin Mary, on a plane higher than others.  He said that any who do the will of His Father are His brothers and His mother.  We are all a part of His family equally. 

Mark, Chapter 4:

Jesus began to teach by the sea again to a great multitude gathered.  Once again, He got into the boat out in the water to teach to those standing on the land.  He taught them many things in parables. 

In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus gave 4 situations of what happened to various seeds as they were sown in various types of soils.

1.  Name what happened in each of the following cases.  Then go over to His interpretation given to His disciples and explain what each type of soil meant.

1) Some seeds fell beside the road. 

  • What happened to it? vs. 4 -
  • Explain from vs. 13-15:

2) Other seeds fell on rocky ground where it did not have much soil.  It immediately sprang up because it did not have deep soil. 

  • What happened after the sun had risen on it? vs. 5-6 -
  • Explain from vs. 16-17:

3) Other seeds fell among the thorns. 

  • What happened to that seed? vs. 7 -
  • Explain from vs. 18-19: 

4) Other seeds fell into the good soil. 

  • What happened as these seeds grew? vs. 8 -
  • Explain from vs. 20: 

2.  What did Jesus tell the ones listening to this parable? vs. 9 -

Ponder:  Do you believe you have been blessed with ears to truly 'hear' God's Words?

3.  What did Jesus tell concerning all His followers including His 12 disciples? 

  • What has been granted or given to them to have the ability to know? vs. 10 -

4.  Those who do not have faith in Him, simply see the things that Jesus says as parables or stories and do not see the spiritual truth and meaning in them.  They see, but can't perceive (understand).  They hear, but not in the way that would cause them to believe in Him. 

  • What does God say He would do if they would truly have ears to hear and return to Him? vs. 12 -

5.  Can a person who is not a believer in Jesus understand spiritual truths in the Bible?  Why or why not?

  • 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 - 

6.  In Matthew's account, Jesus told His followers that they had blessed ears and blessed eyes. 

  • Who had longed to see and hear what they were getting to hear and understand now?
  • Matthew 13:16-17 -

Back to Mark 4:

7.  As soon as Jesus was alone again with His followers (including the 12), they asked Him about the parables.

  • What advantage did those who had chosen to follow Him have over the others on the outside looking in? vs. 11 -

Ponder:  What does it mean that as believers we have ears to hear and that we know the mystery of the kingdom of God?  What is the mystery?  Why is it mysterious to some, but clear to those who have faith in Him?

8. Read these Scriptures and make comments on God's mystery and how it was revealed in the last days to those who believed in Jesus.  It would be helpful to put the thoughts into your own words in a summary format.

  • Romans 16:25-27 -
  • 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 -
  • Ephesians 1:9-14 -
  • Ephesians 3:1-12 -
  • Ephesians 6:19-20 -
  • Colossians 1:25-29 -
  • Colossians 2:1-3 -

Praise Him  ... \o/\o/\o/...  right now if you have been blessed with ears to hear and eyes to see the glorious truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Back to Mark 4:

9.  Jesus gave His followers some more insights as He was explaining the parables to them.  He said that a lamp was not bought to be put under a bed but to be put on a lampstand. 

  • Is anything to be hidden any longer concerning the mystery of Christ?  vs. 22 -

10.  Once again, what does He say to them in verse 23?

11.  What did Jesus say they were to be careful about? vs. 24 -

Jesus goes on to explain that the more truth they appropriate, the more they will receive. (vs. 24-25)

12.  Why did Jesus say the kingdom of God is like a man casting a seed upon the soil? vs. 26-27 -

13. What produces the crops by itself? vs. 28 -

14. When is the person able to reap a harvest from the crops? vs. 29 -

15. How does Paul explain this process to us in regard to sharing the Gospel with others?

  • 1 Corinthians 3:4-7 -

Back to Mark 4: 

16.  What is another way that Jesus described the kingdom of God to them? vs. 30-32 -

17.  Jesus only spoke to the crowds with parables.  What would He do for His 'own' disciples privately? vs. 34 -

18.  How will God reveal things to us in regard to His teachings today?

  • John 16:13-15 -


Note: This is why each time you do these lessons or any study of God's Word, it is so important and necessary to ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes of understanding and show you things from His Word.  Amen!

Back to Mark 4:

On that same day, when evening had come, Jesus told His disciples they all should go to the other side of the lake.  They left the multitude and took Jesus with them in their boat.  Other boats came along with Him as well.

19.  What happened as they traveled across the sea to the other side? vs. 37 -

20.  What was Jesus doing at the time? vs. 38 -

21.  What did the disciples say to Him when they woke Him up? vs. 38 -

Note:  Jesus told the storms "Hush, be still" and it became perfectly calm.  Jesus asked them why they were so timid and lacking in faith.

22.  How did the disciples react to this miracle on the sea they had witnessed? vs. 41 -


Ponder:  Is there a storm in your life tonight that is causing you to lose your composure and steadfastness?  Are you upset with the Lord, thinking He is asleep and not caring about what happens to you?  Yes, we should give our burdens to Him in prayer.  And then, we need to speak to those storms in faith.  Jesus asked them why they were timid and lacking in faith.  Have you heard the saying - "Instead of telling God how big your storm is; tell the storm how big your God is." - Amen!

Review & Reflect:

  • 1) Has the word of God been planted in good soil in your heart?  Are you bearing 30, 60, or even 100 fold for His glory? 
  • 2) If the word is being choked out or any of the other situations given, then recheck your motives for following Him and make sure the soil of your heart is ready for Him to do fruitful work in it. 
  • 3) Do you have ears to hear what the Spirit wants to say to you?  Have you believed in the Lord and received the Holy Spirit of Truth to be your resident teacher and the One who helps you understand the things of the Spirit that He will reveal in the Word?  Does this help you understand why some you share His Word with do not understand it? 
  • 4) Do you realize that you can plant a seed or water a seed with the Gospel message in a person's life, but only God can cause the seed to grow?  You can go to sleep like a farmer does after sowing and watering...leave it up to God to bring about the fruit in that life you have sown in. 
  • 5) Are you timid and lacking faith in regard to a storm in your life?  Are you ready by faith to tell the storm how big your God is?   

Your summary and prayer today:


Written by Brenda LeMoine for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship© with permission to use on RTB websites only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions.

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