Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark Worksheet - Chapter 9

Worksheet - Mark 9

Review of Chapter 8:

  • 1)  Feeding of the 4000 -  Jesus took what the disciples 'had', blessed it, and it was more than enough!  Am I giving to Him what I 'have' and not waiting until I think I have enough? 
  • 2) Pharisees ask for a sign from heaven to test Jesus; He refuses.  Jesus tells the disciples to beware of the 'leaven' of the Pharisees.  He was speaking of the fact that a little leaven effects the whole situation.  We saw where sin is symbolized by leaven in the Scriptures. 
  • 3) Jesus healed the blind man who first saw men walking as trees.  Jesus laid hands on him again and he saw all things clearly. 
  • 4) Jesus asked the disciples "Who do people say that I am?" and then personally asked them "Who do you say that I am?"  Peter answered that He is "the Christ". Amen.
  • 5) Jesus explained that He would suffer, die, be buried, but raise again on the 3rd day.  The Jews did not see their Messiah as dying, so Peter rebuked Him.  Jesus told Peter "Satan, get behind me.  Your interests are on man and not on God".  We talked about how the enemy is behind the flesh many times to discourage us from God's will.  We are not battling flesh and blood but spiritual powers in high places.  The armor of God is listed for our battle in Ephesians 6 and the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. Amen.
  • 6) We must die to ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus.  To be ashamed of Him in this life will cause Him to be ashamed of us in the next.  We must lose our life so that we gain it. 

Mark, Chapter 9:

1.  Jesus told His disciples that some of them standing there would not taste death until they had seen the kingdom of God after it had come with power.  Wow!  Can you imagine being told that?

Six days later, some did get to see the glorified body of Jesus along with others who had their glorified bodies in heaven!

  • Who did Jesus take on the mountain to see this? vs. 2 -
  • When Jesus was transfigured before them, what did His appearance change to? vs. 3 -
  • Who else appeared and talked with Jesus? vs. 4 -
  • 1)_____ & 2)_____
  •  Peter answered Jesus that it would be good for all of them to have tabernacles made for worship and that they should make them for them.  He didn't know what to say.  What was his emotional status along with the other two? vs. 6 -
  • After that, a cloud formed over them and overshadowed them.  They heard a voice from inside the cloud speak.  What did the voice say? vs. 7 - 

Note:  When they looked again, Moses and Elijah were gone and they only had Jesus to listen to.  This is significant for these 3 Jewish Disciples for God was showing them that Jesus had fulfilled the law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah) and that He was the Messiah of the New Covenant of Grace; there would be a new way to enter into the presence of God after His death, burial, and resurrection.  God is saying, "This is My Son - listen to Him!".  Wow. 

  • As they were coming down from the mountain, what did Jesus tell Peter, James, and John not to do? vs. 9 -  
  • When could they speak of it? vs. 9

They discussed among them what rising from the dead might mean.  They asked Jesus why the scribes said that Elijah must come first, before the Messiah.  Jesus confirmed that it was true that Elijah was to come first and restore all things.  He also wanted them to know that it was also written in the Law & Prophets that the Son of Man would suffer many things and be treated with contempt. 

  • What did Jesus tell them concerning the coming of Elijah? vs. 13 -

2.  What were the Jews taught concerning Elijah and the coming of God's Kingdom on earth? 

  • Malachi 4:5 -

3.  Who did Jesus tell His disciples that Elijah was in their day? 

  • Matthew 11:11-15 -

4.  Was this Elijah himself or a representation of him?  Read and comment on John the Baptist's prophecy given by an angel to his father, Zacharias.  What does the Lord say through the angel concerning his son, John?

  • Luke 1:13-17 -

Back to Mark 9:

5.  When Jesus and the 3 disciples came back to the other disciples, they found a large crowd gathered there with the scribes there to argue.  When the crowd saw Jesus coming, they ran to greet Him.  He asked them what they were discussing.  One in the crowd began to tell Jesus about his son who was cruelly possessed with a spirit. 

Describe as he did, what the spirit caused the son to do -

  • 1) vs. 17 -
  • 2) vs. 18 -
  • 3) vs. 18 -
  • 4) vs. 18 -
  • 5) vs. 18 -

6.  The man had told the disciples that were left behind about this and they were not able to cast the spirit out of him.  What did Jesus say in regard to their lack of ability to do this? vs. 19 -

7.  Jesus asked that the boy be brought to Him.  As soon as Jesus saw the boy, what did the spirit cause him to do?

  • 1) vs. 20 -
  • 2) vs. 20 -
  • 3) vs. 20 -
  • 4) vs. 20 -

8.  Jesus asked the boy's father... "How long has this been happening to him?" ... what did the father tell him? vs. 21 -

9.  What did the father say the spirit had caused the boy to do frequently? vs. 22 -

10. The father said to Jesus "If You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!"  What did Jesus answer this desperate and exhausted father? vs. 23 -

11.  I love the father's immediate response to Jesus and I use it often in my prayers to Him.  What does he say? vs. 24 -

Note: There is a song in the show called "The Promise" that my son was in ... Jesus sings it ... it is called "And when you doubt, you can still believe" ... it is based on this and sung to the character of this father.  Isn't that moving?

12.  When Jesus saw a crowd gathering, He rebuked the unclean spirit in the boy.  What did He call the spirit? vs. 25 - 

  • He not only commanded the spirit to leave the boy.  What else did Jesus tell the spirit? vs. 25 - 

13.  The spirit had its last temper tantrum through the boy.  What did it do to the boy before finally letting him go? 

  • 1) vs. 26 -
  • 2) vs. 26 - 

14.  What was the boy like after the spirit departed?  What did the people think had happened to him? vs. 26 - 

15.  Jesus took him by the hand and raised him up.  When Jesus came back into the house, His disciples wanted to know why they were not able to cast the spirit out. 

  • What did Jesus tell them regarding this type of possession? vs. 29 - 

Note:  This seems to suggest there are different kinds of demons and obviously stronger holds from some than others.  The disciples apparently had taken for 'granted' the power that had been given them when they went out on their missionary journey before and had come to believe they had an 'inherent' power in them over demons.  Lack of prayer indicated they had forgotten that any power over demonic spirits can only come from Jesus.

Ponder:  Do we sometimes think that we can just speak the name of Jesus over a situation and not give our time to seeking the Lord and fervent prayer in spiritual battle?  I know I have had to learn this lesson many times in my Christian walk.  Many times there is sin the Lord wants to deal with in my life that is blocking His answers or there is something He wants to reveal to me in His Word.  It is not a repetition, but a relationship that is needed!  The strength is never from within me or from speaking His name.  It is from the Lord Himself as I seek Him and He moves on behalf of the faith I place in His provision.  Amen.

16.  What happened to some who were not given authority as His children when they tried to use His name to cast demons out in the book of Acts? (this account has always amused me and I know it will you as well) 

  • Acts 19:11-16 -


Note:  Let us know the Lord and be under His absolute authority through prayer before we tango with demonic powers.  Amen?

Back to Mark 9:

17.  From there, Jesus and His disciples began to go through Galilee.  He did not want others to know because He was spending time alone with His disciples to prepare them for what was ahead. 

  • What was He telling them? vs. 31 -

18. They did not understand what He meant and they were afraid to ask Him more.  When they came to Capernaum and were in the house where they were staying, Jesus asked the disciples what they were discussing as they traveled along.  They did not tell Him, but He knew and addressed the subject with them. 

  • What did He tell these 12 men about leadership and position in His kingdom? vs. 35 -

19. To illustrate, He took a child into His arms.  To be a great leader, how would one receive this child in His kingdom?  vs. 37 -


Note:  The Lord's disciple, John, told Jesus that they had seen someone casting out demons in His name and they had tried to prevent them from doing so.  Jesus told him not to hinder others from using His name to perform miracles.  He said that it would not be long until they would not be able to speak evil of Him if they continued to see what His Name brought. 

20.  Jesus went on to make some statements to His disciples about His kingdom on earth.  List His statements by the verses given below:

  • 1) vs. 40 -
  • 2) vs. 41 -
  • 3) vs. 42 -
  • 4) vs. 43-48 -
  • 5) vs. 49-50 -
  • Make any comments that you think about as you have read the statements given by Jesus at that time.

Note:  One comment I see is that we are to be drastic with living out our Christian walk before the Lord.  We are to get 'rid' of anything that hinders obedience.  He is speaking of cutting off our hand or our foot or cutting out our eyes.  In our day, we can turn off the television, get the books and magazines out of our house, refuse to go to questionable movies, block all sites of lust from our computers, etc.  We can get drastic if we truly want to live a life that glorifies Him and will not put a stumbling block in front of our children or others who look to us for an example of Christianity.  Amen.

Review & Reflect:

  • 1) John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for the Messiah.  We are no longer under the law and the prophets, but we are under the New Covenant of God's Grace in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Are we listening to Him and seeing Him as the One with that authority? 
  • 2) Do we have battles with demons today?  Are we trying to fight them in our own strength or are we willing to put on the armor of God through prayer and the Word to stand against the schemes of the devil?  We need to believe that anything is possible as we believe.  If we are still in some doubt, let us cry out as the father of the demon possessed boy did .. "Lord, I believe!  Help my unbelief".  Excercise the ability you have to believe and trust Him to give you the ability to believe beyond that.  Amen. 
  • 3) What do we think true leadership and high position is in the kingdom of God?  Do we accept and love the little children, whether that be literal children or young baby Christians who are not yet walking in the maturity of the knowledge of the Word? Do we realize that to be great in God's kingdom is to be a servant of all? 
  • 4) What do we have in our lives that are a stumbling block to the young ones, whether literally young and observing the pattern in our lives and/or those who are young in the faith who are looking to us to learn how to live out the faith for the Lord?  Do we need to get radical and cut off anything that is hindering our walk or witness?  What about the television shows we watch, the music we listen to, the gossip and jokes we listen to and partake of, the books and magazines we read or allow ourselves to glance at, the sites on the computer that we are tempted to click and visit when we know the nature of them?  What is God speaking to you about today?
  • 5) Do we have salt in ourselves and are we at peace with one another?  Salt preserves and gives flavor.  Are we seasoning our words and our action with the salt of God's grace?  (See Colossians 4:6)

Your summary and prayer today:



Written by B for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship© with permission to use on RTB websites only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions.

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