Saturday, February 14, 2009

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 33

Genesis Chapter 33

We looked at Jacob wrestling with God yesterday and God changing his name to "Israel" meaning that he had striven with God and with men and had prevailed.  Jacob was one that would not let go until he received.  God does bless Jacob (Israel) and he becomes the father of 12 sons that become the 12 tribes of the nation called after him:  The nation of Israel.

Now Jacob walked with a limp for God also wanted to remind him that although his faith to obtain the blessings was to be rewarded, he was never to forget Who he served and Who his success came from.  The socket of Jacob's hip would be out permanently as he limped alone to remind him of the faithfulness of God, for truly without God's help, he would have never been able to attain anything or take credit for anything at all.   

1.  Jacob continued to walk with a cane as we even see it pictured in his faith in dying.  Read what the New Testament records about this man's faith in the Lord.

  • Hebrews 11:21 -
Jacob had prepared for this journey in prayer.  Let's review what he had prayed before he left on the journey to go back home after 20 years and face the brother that had vowed to kill him when he left.

2.  What command was Jacob going to obey that he acknowledges to God in prayer?
  • Genesis 32:9 -

3.  What was the attitude of Jacob's heart as he prayed?

  • Genesis 32:10 -

4.  What was Jacob's specific request to the Lord?

  • Genesis 32:11 -

5.  What promise was Jacob standing on?

  • Genesis 32:12 -

6.  After that prayer, Jacob found himself in the very presence of God.  After he prevailed with the man he wrestled, what did he name the place and why?

  • Genesis 32:30 -

7.  Now the time has come to face his brother.  Esau was coming to him. 

How many men did Esau have with him?

  • Genesis 33:1 -

Jacob divided his wives, their maids, and his children and put them in order.  He put the maids and their children first; then Leah and her children; and last was Rachel and Joseph, the wife and son he loved so dearly.

He went in the front of them all to meet his brother first.  He bowed down to the ground seven times until he came near Esau.  This was customary when greeting a king or a superior.  Jacob was showing his servanthood to Esau; his humility.

8.  Did Esau harm him? 

What did Esau do to his surprise?

  • vs. 4 -

What a precious picture of reconciliation this is!

Esau saw the women and children as they all came down and bowed down before him in respect.  He asked Jacob about all the possessions and Jacob said he wanted to find 'favor' in his sight.

9.  What were Esau's words to Jacob?

  • vs. 9 -
Jacob begged Esau to take the presents from him.  He said God had been good to him and he had plenty.   

10. What did he say Esau's face was like to him?

  • vs. 10
Remember Jacob has just seen the face of the angel that wrestled with him in the night as the face of God.  Many believe that the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament is the preincarnate presence of the Lord Jesus.  Seeing Esau's face as the same face he had seen in the dream would indicate that he saw that look of forgiveness and acceptance and love in his brother's face!

Just think - we can truly be the face of God or the impression of God to others when we let go of resentment, bitterness, revenge, and the rest.  Is there someone you need to reconcile yourself to?  Maybe it has been 20 years like the time that had gone between these two or maybe it was just an incident yesterday.

11. What ministry are we given by Christ's example for us?
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 -
This is really wonderful. Both brothers have been blessed by God over these 20 years.  They both have plenty.  They are both satisfied and have nothing to be bitter over any longer.

12. Jacob had prepared in prayer.  His heart was right within him.

  • What does Proverbs 16:7 tell us?

Jacob continued the journey at the pace his cattle and children needed to go at.  Esau went ahead to Seir.  Jacob journeyed to Succoth. (see a Bible map)

13. What did Jacob do in Succoth? vs. 17 -

Jacob came safely to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan.  He bought the piece of land where he had pitched his tent from the hand of Hamor, Shechem's father, for 100 pieces of money.

14. What did he erect in Shechem and what did he call it?

We know that Jacob dug a well there, which is talked about in John, Chapter 4 and can still be seen today when touring the holy land.


In reviewing Jacob's prayer of preparation in meeting Esau, we see that he had a pattern that we can learn from.  He prayed in general with thanksgiving and humility, but he was also very specific with the request he asked God for.

15. Write out the pattern of prayer given from Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 -


Your summary and prayer today:




Written for RTB websites by B LeMoine, use by email permission only.

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