Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 43

Genesis Chapter 43

The famine was severe in all the land.  When Jacob's family finished eating all the grain that the brothers had brought back from Egypt, he told them to go back to buy some more food.

1.  What was it that Judah told Jacob that the man over the food supply in Egypt had warned them of? vs. 3 -

2.  Therefore Judah said the brothers would not go back with Benjamin. 

What did Jacob (Israel) say in regard to this? vs. 6 -

The man (who we know to be Joseph) had questioned them particularly about them and their relatives wanting to know "Is your father alive?"  .. "Have you another brother?" ...

Judah said "We answered his questions.  How were we to know he would say to bring our brother down?" 

3.  What was sure to happen if they did not go to Egypt? vs. 8 -

4.  What was Judah willing to offer if he did not bring Benjamin back to his father? vs. 9 -

Obviously, Jacob's hesitation to let go of Benjamin, had kept them there for awhile.  Judah said they could have returned twice by now if they would have gone right back and not delayed. 

5.  Jacob finally said "If it must be so ...", then take these things to the man as a present.  What things were named that came from their area in Canaan? vs. 11 -

They were not only going to return the money from the first trip that was not taken, but they were taking back double the amount in their bags to give.  And finally ..... they were also taking .... Benjamin. 

6.  Jacob said "May God Almighty grant you compassion in the sight of the man, so that he will release to you your other brother (Simeon) and Benjamin."  What did Jacob finally say in regard to himself? vs. 14 -

So the brothers took Benjamin and went to Egypt to stand before Joseph. 


In regard to Jacob being forced to "let go" of Benjamin with his words "if it must be so", we see the famine had forced this father to risk everything and let go of everything he held dear to his life ... the only thing he had left from his dear Rachel.  She had died giving birth to Benjamin and the first son she gave him, Joseph, he assumes has been dead these 20 years....since he last saw him as a teenager and the brothers told him they found his blood stained coat. 

Have you ever had to "let go" of something so dear to you it took the life right out of you?  Can you relate to Jacob?  "If it must be" ..................

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7.  When Joseph saw that Benjamin had been brought back, what did he have his house steward to prepare for the brothers? vs. 16 -

The brothers were all afraid.  They have been feeling guilt for what they did to Joseph ever since Simeon was left behind and they had to bring Benjamin back.  They have been sensing that it is time to pay their dues for what they did to Joseph their brother 20 years ago.  Now they are concerned that this Egyptian leader will be upset with them over the money that went home in their bags.   

8.  What do they believe is going to happen to them at this meeting? vs. 18 -

9.  They began to explain themselves and defend themselves before anything was ever said to them.  (sure sign of guilt) ... yet instead of punishment, what will they be receiving? vs. 23 -

The brothers were brought into the house, given water to wash their feet, and the donkeys were fed.  They prepared the present they would present to the Egyptian lord (who we know to be Joseph) when he came to eat at noon. 

10. What did this Egyptian lord (Joseph) want to know from their trip back home? vs. 27 -

11. Then Joseph lifted his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother's son, and said "Is this your youngest brother, of whom you spoke to me?"  ...

What did he say to Benjamin? vs. 29 -

12. What did Joseph do at this point? vs. 30 -

13. He washed his face and got control of himself to come back and eat with the brothers.  What order were the brothers seated and how did they react to this person knowing that?  vs. 33 -

14. Joseph took portions to the brothers from his own table.  How much larger was Benjamin's portion than all the others?  vs. 34 -

So they feasted and drank freely with him. 


The brothers were guilty.  They expected punishment at every turn.  Instead they were given treasures of "grace".   

Who does the servant say the money in their sacks came from? vs. 23 -

We were guilty in our trespasses and sins.  We deserved the punishment for ignoring God and living a life that did not honor our Creator.  When we came to Him, were we punished or turned away?  We too, received, treasures of "grace". 

15. Read & Comment on these verses:

  • Ephesians 2:1-3 -
  • Ephesians 2:4-7 -
  • Ephesians 2:8-10-

Your summary and prayer today:



Written for RTB websites by B LeMoine, use by email permission only.

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