Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark Worksheet - Chapter 11

Worksheet - Mark 11

Review of Chapter 10:

  • 1) We saw how divorce is committing adultry and how serious the Lord takes into account our covenant relationships.  The Lord's graciousness was seen in how an exception was made for those in harmful relationships of spousal immorality and abuse and how the person was not in bondage to the commitment in such cases.  Our cross references took us to look at the union of man and woman and how we are a picture of Christ and the church (His bride) when we live out our marriages in a God-honoring way.  We saw how to deal with unbelieving spouses as well and how to be content in our singleness. 
  • 2) Jesus said to allow the little children to come to Him and He also said that to enter the kingdom of God, each one of us had to become like a child in our faith and trust of Him. 
  • 3) The rich young ruler came to ask how he could inherit eternal life.  Jesus told him to keep the commandments of Moses.  The man felt he had done that, but Jesus knew his heart had idolized his possessions, asking him to sell all he had and give to the poor.  The ruler went away sad and unwilling to let go of his possessions to follow the Lord.  We saw how to be content with food, clothing, and shelter and not to long to be rich in this life.  If the Lord has blessed us with wealth, we are to give to those in need and store up spiritual wealth in heaven. 
  • 4) Following Christ does not give us honor and recognition in this life.  More than not, we are ridiculed for our faith.  Jesus said to be great in His kingdom we are to become a servant to all.  He is our example as He came not to be served, but to give His life as a ransom for many. 
  • 5)  James & John wanted to sit on His right and His left side in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus said those who are rewarded much in heaven have suffered much in this life.  We saw in cross references that it is to the degree that we suffer with Him and for Him that we will also be glorified with Him.  We are not to be surprised at the fiery trials that come to our lives to test our faith that it will come through as gold in the fire. 
  • 6) Just as blind Bartimaeus cried out for the Son of David to have mercy on him, we are to cry out to the Lord for His mercy.  His throne is one of grace and mercy and we are to come boldly to His throne to ask for help in our time of need.  Amen. 

Mark, Chapter 11:

Note:  A new section begins in Mark's Gospel account.  Jesus arrives in Jerusalem for the final week of His ministry in the Holy City before His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.  The Triumphal Entry, which inaugurates Passion Week, is a deliberate action, where Jesus is finally wanting to be made known because it is God's timing for the Jewish leaders to take action against Him.  In John's Gospel, He says it this way:  "My hour is at hand." 

1.  As Jesus and His disciples approach Jerusalem, at Bethpage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His disciples to go into a village where He told them they would find a colt tied there, on which no one had ever yet sat upon.  He wanted them to get it and bring it back to Him. 

  • What were they to tell anyone on their journey back that asked them what they were doing with it? vs. 3 -

2.  Sure enough, the colt was there tied in the street and they untied it.  Some bystanders did ask them what they were doing.  When they told them what Jesus told them to say, they were given permisison to take the colt.  They brought the colt to Jesus and laid their coats upon it.  Many spread their coats in the road.  Others spread leafy branches they had cut from the fields. 

  • What was being said by those in front and behind Jesus as He rode down the street on the colt? vs. 9 - 11 -

Note:  These words are found in Psalm 118:25.  It is a Hallel (Praise) Psalm that is sung at the Jew's Passover Feast and was especially fitting for this occassion. 

3.  Jesus then left for Bethany - It seems from combining Scriptures that Jesus stayed in the home of His friends -Mary,Martha, and Lazarus - each night of Passion Week through Thursday when He was arrested. 

Note what the verses to follow say about Jesus going in and out of the city of Jerusalem during this time.

  • Mark 11:19 -
  • Mark 14:13 -
  • Matthew 21:17 -
  • John 12:1-11 -

Note:  On the next day, when they had left Bethany, He became hungry. (the next day would have been Monday of Passion Week).   

4.  He saw from a distance a fig tree in leaf and went to see if perhaps there were figs on it.  He did not find figs for it was not the season for them. 

  • What did Jesus say to this particular tree that did not have fruit on it for Him? vs. 14 -

Note:  His disciples were listening to what He said.  Normally a fig tree did not have leaves or fruit on it during this season, but this tree had leaves "as though" it was fruitful when in fact it was "not".  It is very likely that Jesus was thinking of the nation of Israel that had not borne fruit of repentance in believing in Him, for the nation of Israel is referred to as a fig tree in Old Testament passages (see Hosea 9:10 and Nahum 3:12). 

5.  They came into Jerusalem and found the temple (the court of the Gentiles) full of moneychangers.  Pilgrims that came to the Passover Feast in Jerusalem needed animals that met the ritual requirements for sacrifice, so vendors set up their animals in pens and on money tables in the court of the Gentiles.  Pilgrims needed their money changed into the local currency in order to buy the animals for sacrificial purposes. 

  • What did Jesus do to those buying and selling in the temple area? vs. 15 -
  • What did He do to the tables that were being used to sell animals and exchange currency? vs. 15 -
  • What would He not permit anyone to do in His presence? vs. 16 -
  • What did Jesus begin to teach them concerning His Father's Temple? vs. 17 -
  • How did the crowd respond to Jesus? vs. 18 -
  • Therefore, what plan did the chief priests and scribes begin to work on? vs. 18 -

6.  When evening came, they would go back out of the city.  As they were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree that withered from the roots up that Jesus had cursed earlier.  Peter wanted Jesus to see what he observed had happened. 

Jesus used the miraculous event to teach His disciples another lesson of prayer.

Jesus told His disciples that a mountain can be told to go into the sea and if that person has faith in God to do it without doubting, it will be done for him.  In other words, the impossible is possible, with prayer and faith. 

  • What did Jesus tell them to do when they pray and ask for something? vs. 24 -

Ponder:  Do we approach prayer in this way or are we afraid to hurt God's reputation?  I remember when my children would be so full of faith to pray for something and I would apologize for God in case it didn't happen because I didn't want them to think bad of God.  I realized in time that I was hindering their faith to believe and mine as well.  We need to believe that we will receive what we ask for as long as we know what we are asking for is in line with God's will. 

  • How do you rate your personal level of faith to believe to receive after you pray and ask?

7.  Jesus continues to give an absolute critical point that must be done or we can expect no answers to our prayers. 

  • What must we do when we are praying in order to be in right standing with God to receive answers to our prayers?  vs. 25 -
  • Could this be why even if we are believing in faith we are not receiving an answer? 

8.  Jesus and His disciples came into Jerusalem again.  As He was walking in the temple, the chief priests and scribes and elders came to Him.  They wanted to know where He got His authority to do the things (like cleaning the temple of the moneychangers, etc.) that He was doing there.  Jesus turned the question around to ask them a question first.  He asked them if John's baptism was from heaven or from men. 

  • Why did they not want to say "from heaven"? vs. 31 -
  • Why did they not want to say "from men?" vs. 32 -

They told Jesus, therefore, that they did not know an answer.  Therefore, Jesus said He would not tell them the authority He had to do the things He did either.

Review & Reflect:

  • 1) We see the Passion Week begin as Jesus stays at the home of His friends: Mary, Martha & Lazarus in Bethany.  He goes in and out to the city of Jerusalem and now the time has come to allow Himself to be known as the King of the Jews, as He rides in on the donkey (colt) that has never been ridden before and permits the praises of the people as they cry out "Hosanna to the King!"
  •  2) Jesus cleanses the temple, knocking over the moneychanger's tables and driving out those who are buying and selling animals for sacrifices in the court of the Gentiles.  He says the temple is His Father's House and is to be a place of prayer and not a robber's den.
  • 3) Jesus cursed the fig tree that gave leaves as though fruit had come out of season, but yet there was no fruit..we saw that He could have been speaking in a parable of the nation of Israel that did not bear the fruit of believing in Him at this season of His appearance.  There are verses we saw in the Old Testament that compare Israel to a fig tree. 
  • 4) Peter was amazed at how the tree that Jesus had cursed withered and died from the roots up.  Jesus took time to explain to His disciples again about the power of faith in prayer; how if we believe we have received when we pray and ask, we will have what we ask for.  Yet, Jesus taught that there will not be an answer to prayer or forgiveness from the Father, unless we forgive all those who are indebted to us when we offer our prayers.  So many times, we pray and assume our prayers will be heard when we still have unforgiveness in our hearts.  We need not think that our prayers will be heard if that is the case. 
  • 5) Jesus had His authority challenged by the religious leaders again.  They wanted to know who gave Him the authority to do the things He did.  He asked them if John's baptism was from heaven.  They reasoned and decided not to answer Him; therefore He didn't answer them either.

Questions to Ponder: 

  • Do you believe He is the King?  Will you praise Him? 
  • How do you view the house of worship you attend?  Does it sometimes turn into a social house or a place of merchandise exchange?  What steps can you make to make it a house of prayer? 
  • Are you free of unforgiveness in your heart?  Is there anyone that you hold anything against today? 
  • With unforgiveness taken care of, do you believe you will receive when you pray?  Why would you pray with doubt in your heart?
  • What steps can you take to begin to pray in faith believing to receive? 

Your summary and prayer today:




Written by B LeMoine for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship© with permission to use on RTB websites only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions.

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