Saturday, January 24, 2009

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 18

Genesis Chapter 18

The Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day. 

1.  What did Abraham see and how did he respond? vs. 2 -

Note:  At least two of the 'men' were angels as seen in Genesis 19:1 when they leave Abraham to go to Sodom.  The third may have been the Lord Himself. 

Read and comment on these verses in this chapter to see why it may have been the Lord Himself:

  • vs. 1 -         
  • vs.13 -         
  • vs.17-         
  • vs.20 -          
  • vs.26 -                
  • vs.33 -
  • vs.22 -

Abraham begged them to stay and be refreshed.  He had a meal prepared for them and fed them under the tree.

What hospitality they showed these strangers!  How are we suppose to treat others who are strangers and why?  Hebrews 13:1,2 -

2.  What did the angel tell Abraham concerning Sarah? vs. 9-10 -

3. Sarah was listening.  Why did this make her laugh? vs.11-12 -

Remember Abraham did the same thing when he was told (Genesis 17:17). 

4. What did the Lord say in response to her unbelief? vs. 14 -

5. Sarah denied laughing, but God 'knew' her heart.  To show us that Sarah was truly a woman of faith in God's promises, look at how she applied faith from this point on once she had the Word from God.

Hebrews 11: 11 -

6. The men (angels) rose up and looked down toward Sodom.  Abraham was walking with them to send them off on their way.  The Lord Himself did not want to 'hide' from Abraham what He was about to do.

What were the reasons He wanted to share with Abraham His plans? vs. 17-19

  • 1)    
  • 2)    
  • 3)    
  • 4)    

7. Abraham was God's friend.  Record what the Scriptures say regarding this:

  • 2 Chronicles 20:7 -
  • Isaiah 41:8 -
  • James 2:23 -

Because they were 'friends' by covenant, God covened His heavenly council at Abraham's tent.  There He told Abraham of the blessings of redemption and the judgements for the wicked.

He gave Abraham opportunity to speak in His court and to intercede for the righteous ones in Sodom & Gomorrah before His judgment came.

8. In our covenant relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, we are also His friends.  Read and comment below:

John 15:13-15 -

God reveals His purposes to us from heaven in His Holy Word and allows our voices to be heard in His Holy courts through the access we have through the blood of Jesus to come boldly to the throne. 

9. What is another purpose God reveals His plans to those who revere Him?

Deuteronomy 4:9-10 -

10.  What did the Lord tell Abraham his friend regarding Sodom & Gomorrah? vs. 20-21 -

The men (angels) turned away from there and went toward Sodom, while Abraham was still standing before the Lord.  Abraham came near and said to the Lord:

"Will You indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?  Suppose there are 50 righteous within the city; will You indeed sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the 50 righteous who are in it?  Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike.  Far be it from You!  Shall not the Judge of all the earth judge justly?"

Why should we draw near to God's throne to pray today?

Hebrews 4:15-16 -

11. How did the Lord answer the intercessory plea (prayer) of Abraham? vs. 26 -

Abraham lowered the number of righteous a few times ... how about if 45 are found ...what about 30...what about if 10 righteous are found there? 

12. What did the Lord say to Abraham regarding his request? vs. 32 -

The Lord then departed and Abraham returned to his place.

Note: Abraham's prayer of intercession shows his concern for his nephew Lot who lived in the Sodom & Gomorrah area as we will see tomorrow in Chapter 19.  He is pleading for the entire area and population - although a wicked city - where he has no personal interest at stake.  Although God does judge the wickedness, He also shows mercy to those who live righteously in faith.  The cities will not be spared for God will not find even 10 who are righteous there...yet Lot & his family will be rescued as we will see in the next chapter.

Who are we interceding for today?  Are we praying for enitre communities, cities, states, and countries?  The Lord listens to our prayers on behalf of others.

Your summary and prayer today:




© Written for RTB sites by B. LeMoine, use by permission only. Email -

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