Saturday, January 24, 2009

Genesis Worksheet - Chapter 19

Genesis Chapter 19

The two angels that had left Abraham's residence came down to Sodom in the evening. 

1.  What did Lot do when he saw them? vs. 1-2 -

They intended to spend the night in the square of the city, but Lot urgered them strongly to stay at his house and so they did. 

He prepared a feast for them and they ate.

2. Before going to bed, the men of the city surrounded Lot's house (both old men and young men).  What did they want Lot to do and why? vs. 5 -

Lot begged them to change their minds and even offered his own virgin daughters to them.  They didn't want women, but the men!

3. What did the men say about Lot and what did they do to him? vs. 9 -

4. When this happened, what did the 2 men inside Lot's home (the angels) do for Lot? vs. 10 -

5. What did they do to the men at the doorway of the house? vs. 11 -

The two men (angels) asked Lot who he had in the city.  He said to bring them out of the place for they were about to destroy it. 

6. Why were they going to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah? vs. 13 -

7. Lot went out and spoke to his son-in-laws who were going to marry his daughters.  He told them to leave with him for the Lord was about to destroy the city.  Did they take him serious? vs. 14 -

In the morning, the angels urged Lot to take his wife and daughters and leave or they would be swept away in the punishment of the city.

8. What did Lot do? vs. 16 - He _______.

9. What did the men (angels) do when Lot did this? vs. 16 -

10. Why was he and his family rescued? vs. 16 -

Yes, Lot 'hesitated', for this was his city and his possessions and they were having to leave it, knowing it was going to be destroyed.  The men engaged to his daughters didn't take his warning and they were left behind.  It was only the four of them escaping this - Lot, his wife, and two daughters. 

11. What does the New Testament tell us about Lot and how can we be encouraged by this story for our own sakes?

2 Peter 2:6-9 -

12.  What were the two men's warnings to Lot and his family? Genesis 19:17 -

Lot asked that he not have to go to the mountains, but that he be able to go to a small town nearby.   

13.  What did the Lord agree to do for Lot's request of Him? vs. 21-22 -

14. By the time Lot and his family arrived in the small town of Zoar, the sun had risen. 

What did the Lord do at that time? vs. 24-25 -

15.  What did Lot's wife do and what happened to her as a result? vs. 26 -

16. How did Jesus later use these events in His teachings?

Luke 17:28-33 -

Abraham arose from his place early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before the Lord the day before in intercession for Sodom.  He looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land of the valley.  

17. What did Abraham see? - vs. 28

18. Why does the Scripture say that God rescued Lot from the destruction of the cities?  vs. 29 -

19. What do these verses teach us about "interceding" to the Lord on behalf of others?

  • I Samuel 12:23 -
  • Job 16:21 -
  • Ephesians 6:18 -
  • I Timothy 2:1 -

I am sure there are those we know that are in the path of destruction as Lot was.  We need to be interceding on their behalf that God would have mercy on their lives and send others to share with them and even angels to rescue them from their pits. 

The Second Coming is getting closer everyday.  Jesus said it would be 'just like' the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Why did God see that place as so desperately wicked?  It was the sin of homosexuality which God calls an abomination.  Have we not returned to those days in our society where people demand rights for equal marriage and adoption of children and they want this lifestyle accepted by our society?  They try to teach in physcology that people are born that way and we know from the Scripture that is absolutely a lie.  

20. Take the time to write out what the following Scriptures have to say on the subject of homosexuality, writing out the consequences of the behavior if it is not repented of.

  • Leviticus 18:22 -
  • Leviticus 20:13 -
  • I Kings 14:24 -
  • Romans 1:24-27 -

21. After Lot asked the Lord if he could go to Zoar and not escape to the mountains, he did not stay in Zoar.  Why not? vs. 30 -

The daughters of Lot had lost all ties to society and their father was getting old.  The men they were engaged to refused to heed the warnings and they were destroyed in the judgment on Sodom.  Their mother had turned to a pillar of salt. 

22. What did they decide to do? vs. 31-36 -

23. What was the name of the firstborn's son? vs. 37 -

What people did he become the father of ?

24. What was the name of the younger one's son? vs. 38

What people did he become the father of?

Throughout the history of the nation of Israel, we will see that these nations were bitter enemies of Abraham's descendants.  


Your summary and prayer today:




© Written for RTB websites by B. LeMoine, use by permission only by writing

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