Sunday, January 25, 2009

Matthew Worksheet - Chapter 19

Matthew Chapter 19

Jesus departed from Galilee and came into the region of Judah beyond the Jordan.  Large croweds followed Him there and He healed them.

Questions of Divorce

1. Some Pharisees came once again to test Him.  What did they ask Jesus? vs. 3 -

2. Jesus referred to the Scriptures in Genesis that God created man and woman to become one flesh and that this was God's will that man is not to depart from.  The Pharisees argued that Moses allowed it.  How did Jesus answer this in verse 8?

3. What did Jesus give as a basis for divorce? vs. 9 -

Jesus said otherwise divorce and remarriage would be adultry in God's eyes.  The disciples said "It would be better to never marry."  Jesus said that there are those who can accept that condition.

Jesus gives 3 ways one is a eunuch (a celibate lifestyle):

  • born that way
  • made that way
  • choose to be that way for sake of God's work

Paul recommends that those who can be celibate will have a less distracted life of complete devotion to God, but it is not presented as superior to marriage.  Both are God's gifts to individuals.

4. Comment on Paul's reasoning in regard to a celibate lifestyle vs. marriage:

1 Corinthians 7:25-35 -

Jesus Blesses The Children

5. Some children were brought to Jesus for Him to lay hands on and pray for.  The disciples rebuked the children, but Jesus rebuked the disciples for doing so.  What did Jesus say in verse 14?

The Rich Young Ruler

A young man came to Jesus saying:  "What good thing must I do to obtain eternal life?"  Jesus listed 7 commandments he should keep and the man had kept them all!  The man knew, however, that he still lacked something.

6.  What did Jesus tell him to do? vs . 21 -

Did the young man obey this?          Why or why not?

Jesus knew the man's heart that it was not fully yeilded to God.  Jesus then states that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Why do you think so? (use Scripture if you want or just give your own thought):

7.  Jesus makes it clear that even though it seems impossible to man, all things are possible with God.

Write out vs. 26 -

8.  Peter said "We left everything and followed you - what will be for us?"  What did Jesus tell them their future in heaven held for His 12 chosen disciples who left all to follow Him? vs. 28 -

9.  What is the reward for anyone who has to give up loved ones or possessions for the sake of following Christ? vs. 29

(1)          &          (2)

Many who are first in this life will be last and the last will be first.

10. In light of the context of what has been said, what do you think that means?


11. Since Jesus addressed ther rich having a hard time seeing their need for the Lord, let's look at some verses regarding our finances.

  • Please take time to look them up.  I have read each one and have been so blessed by these tonight!

Deuteronomy 8:2-6 -

Deuteronomy 8:15-18 -

Proverbs 28:22 -

Jeremiah 9:23-24 -

Philippians 4:11-13 -

1 Timothy 6:6-11 -

1 Timothy 6:17-19 -

Matthew 6:19-21 -

12. Summarize God's view on money and what our view should be as well -


Your summary notes and prayer today:




© Written for RTB websites by B LeMoine, use by permission only

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