Thursday, January 1, 2009

Genesis - Worksheet Chapter 2

Genesis, Chapter 2

The Creation of Man and Woman

After giving the 7 days of creation overview, the author takes us back to the account of the creation of the heavens and earth and gives us more details:


1.  How did God water the earth before He created shrubery and things needing rain and man to care for it? vs. 5,6

2.  How was the first man created by God?  What gave his form "life"?  vs. 7

3.  The Lord planted a garden and placed the man He had formed there.  Where was this garden located? vs. 8

4.  What did the Lord cause to grow in this garden made for man? vs. 9

5.  We are given some descriptions of land and rivers to help us know where we can place this garden at. 

One river flowed out of the garden and divided into four rivers. 

  • What is the names of the four rivers?  vs. 11-14

Two of these rivers are on our maps today but may have been renamed after the ancient river accounts before the worldwide flood of Noah's day.  Click this article to read some more about this.

6. The Lord put the man into the garden to cultivate and keep it. 

  • What was the man to freely enjoy in the garden? vs. 16

7.  What was the man clearly not to eat of? 

  • If he did, what would the clear consequences of his disobedience bring? vs. 17

The Lord God knew it was not good for the man to be alone so He would create a helper suitable for him. 

God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky from the ground.  He brought them to the man (Adam) to see what the man would call them.

Adam gave names to all the cattle and all the birds of the sky and beasts of the field, but there was not found a helper suitable for him.

8.  The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man. 

  • What did He take from the man's flesh? vs. 21

From this rib, the Lord God 'fashioned' a woman and brought her to the man.  The word for 'fashioned' is not the same as the word for 'formed' used on man and animals.  He built woman specifically to meet the needs of the man in every way.  This is God's planned design.

9.  What did the man Adam say about the woman Eve when God brought her and presented her to him?  vs. 23

10.  What is the definition of marriage given in vs. 24?

Compare that with what the New Testament tells us about the ordiance of marriage:

  • Matthew 19:5,6 -
  • 1 Corinthians 6:16 -
  • Ephesians 5:31 -

The man and his wife were naked and not ashamed of it. vs. 25  This was before they would know the curse of sin, guilt, shame and death that would come from their disobedience in Genesis Chapter 3.


11.  We are told in Ephesians 2 that we were dead in our trespasses and sins before coming to know the Lord. 

  • What spirit did we walk according to?  Ephesians 2:1-3

12. Just as Adam was without life until God breathed into him the 'breath of life', ....

  • What did God cause in us to bring us alive from the dead? Ephesians 2:4-7

13. The first Adam became a living soul. 

  • What did the last Adam (Jesus) become for us?  See 1 Corinthians 15:45-49

14.  What did Jesus do for His disciples after His resurrection from the dead, but before His ascension to heaven to be with the Father? 

  • John 20:22

15.  What does Jesus have the right to give to each of us? 

  • John 5:21
  • Also read John 4:13,14 -

16.  Have you received 'life' from the Lord Jesus? 

  • Have you accepted Him and are you experiencing the river of life flowing through you?  Share your story if you desire to today.

Your personal summary and prayer:






Written by B LeMoine for Heart & Home Bible Fellowship© with permission to use on RTB websites only. For personal or ministry related use, please email Brenda for permission and conditions.


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