Friday, January 30, 2009

Matthew Worksheet - Chapter 21

Matthew Chapter 21

The Triumphal Entry

1. Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem and went to Bethpage to the Mount of Olives.  What did Jesus send two of HIs disciples to do? vs. 2-3 -

2. What prophecy did this fulfill? vs. 4-5-


The disciples did as He instructed, bringing the donkey and the colt.  They laid their coats upon them and He sat on the coats.

3. As Jesus rode the donkey through the streets, what was most of the multitude doing? vs. 8-11 -

Cleansing the Temple

4. Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem and saw that it had become a marketplace.  What did He do? vs. 12 -

1)               2) 

5. What did Jesus say to the moneychangers? vs. 13 -

6. The blind and lame came to Jesus in the temple and He healed them.  When the cheif priests and scribes saw the wonderful things He had done and how the children shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David" - what did they do? vs. 15 -

7. When they spoke to Jesus about it, Jesus referred them to an Old Testament prophecy from the psalms.  What did He say to them? vs. 16 -

Jesus left them after this and went out of the city of Jerusalem to Bethany and the spent the night there.

The Barren Fig Tree

8. The next morning, Jesus was hungry.  He came to a fig tree that had no fruit.  He cursed it and it withered!  The disciples marveled that this tree obeyed Jesus.  What did Jesus tell them? vs. 21-22 -

Authority Challenged

As Jesus taught in the temple, the cheif priests and elders questioned His authority.  He threw a question to them concerning the baptism of John, whether it was from heaven or from men?  They did not answer He did not give them an answer either.

Parable of Two Sons

Jesus taught in Parables.  He told them of a man with two sons.  He asked the first one to work in the vineyard.  He said "I will"...but then he didn't go. 

He asked the second one.  He said "I will not"...but afterward regretted it and went.  Then He asked the chief priests and elders:  "Which son did the will of his father?"  They said: "The second son."

9. What did Jesus tell them concerning this? vs. 31-32 -

Parable of the Landowner

Jesus went on to another parable about a landowner who planted a vineyard.  At harvest time, he sent his slaves to receive the produce. 

The vine-growers in the vineyard beat one slave, killed one slave, and stoned a slave.  He sent more slaves and they did the same to them.  

10. Then...he sent his son thinking they would respect him.  What did they do to his son? vs. 39 -

11. Jesus asked them: "What will the owner do to those vine-growers who killed his son?"  ... How did they answer this? vs. 40-41 -

Jesus referred them to the Scriptures in the Old Testament that said:

"The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the chief corner stone; this came about from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes'

12. What would be taken away from the Jews who would reject Jesus as their Messiah and kill Him? vs. 43 -

It would be given to a people that would produce fruit.  (vs. 44)

13. What did the chief priests and Pharisees understand when they heard the parables Jesus spoke? vs. 45 -

14. They sought to size Jesus, but didn't at this time yet.  What did they fear and why? vs. 46 -

We know that Jesus was speaking of the fact that slaves (prophets) of Old were sent to Israel and they were killed as He told in the parables.  We also know that when God sent His Son to them, they would kill Him.

The parable spoke of how the landowner would give the vineyard over to a people that would produce the fruit of it.

Read Paul's encounter in Jerusalem before turning to the Gentiles with the Gospel.  It is an awesome review of the nation of Israel and how the Gentiles (the rest of the world) came into the church and the blessings of Abraham!

Read Acts 13:15-52, making notes of the main points.....

  • Where did God lead the Jews out of? vs. 17 -
  • How long did God put up with them in the wilderness? vs. 18 -
  • After destroying seven nations in the land of Canaan, He distributed their land as an inheritance.  How long did this take? vs. 19 -
  • After these things, God gave them judges until Samuel the prophet.  The people wanted a king like the other nations.  God gave them Saul for 40 years.  After He removed Saul, who did God raise up to be their king? vs. 22 -
  • What did God say about him? vs. 22 -
  • From the offspring of King David, according to the promise, what did God bring to the nation of Israel? vs. 23 -
  • John the Baptist had proclaimed His coming.  Who was the baptism of repentance preached to? vs. 24 -

John continued to point them to the One coming who was Jesus.  Paul reminds them all - it was to 'us' (the Jews) that the word of this salvation was sent out.

  • What did the rulers and citizens of Jerusalem not recognize from the Scriptures that were read every Sabbath and therefore, what did they do to actually fulfill the Scriptures? vs. 27 -
  • Even though there was no grounds to put Jesus to death, they asked Pilate that He be executed.  What were they carrying out? vs. 29 -
  • They nailed Him to the cross and laid Him in a tomb.  What did God do? vs. 30 -
  • Who did Jesus appear to after He was resurrected for many days?  vs. 31 -
  • What was the message these apostles could now boldly preach to the Jewish people? vs. 32-37 -
  • What was the Gospel that Paul was offering to these Jews? vs. 38-39 -
  • What did they warn them to take heed not to do? vs. 40-41 -

As Paul & Barnabas were going out, the people were hungry to know more.  They begged them to speak on these things on the next Sabbath as well.  When the meeting broke up, many of the Jews and the God-fearing proselytes followed Paul & Barnabas.

  • What were the men urging these to do? vs. 43 -

On the next Sabbath, they returned and nearly the entire city was assembled to hear the Word of God! 

  • What did the Jewish leaders feel when they saw the crowds that came to hear the message? vs. 45 -
  • What did they begin to do? vs. 45
  • At that point, what did Paul & Barnabas say boldly to the Jews?

Type out verse 46 -

  • What did the Lord command them to do at this point according to prophecy? vs. 47 -
  • How did the Gentiles feel about this when they heard this? vs. 48
  • Who believed the Gospel? vs. 48

The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. 

  • What did the Jews do then? vs. 50 -
  • What did Paul & Barnabas do? vs. 51 -
  • What did the disciples of Jesus continually experience in the midst of all this persecution? vs. 52 -

Your summary notes and prayer today:



© Written for RTB websites by B. LeMoine, use by email permission only,

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